Poll: By A 3-1 margin, Americans Agree With The Question That We Have Only Two Genders


Poll: By A 3-1 margin, Americans Agree With The Question That We Have Only Two Genders

Nothing says 2021 like conducting a poll whose featured question boils down to asking respondents if they believe there are only two genders.

And despite the best efforts of Hollywood, the mainstream media, college faculty, and even some corporate chieftains, Americans overwhelmingly think the number of human genders is set at two – male and female.

According to right-leaning pollster Rasmussen Reports, who released the poll’s findings on Monday, 75 percent of respondents say they agree there are only two genders. That compares to 18 percent who disagreed.

Rasmussen found that majorities of all political parties answered there were only two genders. Not surprisingly, when asked if they “strongly” agreed, only 47 percent of Democrats replied yes.

In contrast, 82 percent of Republicans and 60 percent of independents also thought that way.

When asked if they “strongly” agreed with the proposition of only two genders, 68 percent of men said yes, as did 56 percent of women.

Along racial lines, the highest ratio was found among black Americans, 68 percent of whom affirmed that only two genders exist. That compares to 63 percent of whistles and 55 percent of other minorities.

Rasmussen also had good news for “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling, who has been an outspoken critic pushing back on aggressive transgender policies.

Rasmussen asked if it amounted to “hate speech” when Rowling maintains there are only two genders.

By a 58-17 margin, those surveyed said Rowling did not engage in hate speech by making such comments.

By party though, Democrats were significantly more likely to see Rowling as a promoter of hate. Among Democrats, 29 percent felt that way, compared to just 8 percent of Republicans and 12 percent of independents.

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