Polk County’s Civic Groups to Honor Public Safety Heroes

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Polk County’s Civic Groups to Honor Public Safety Heroes

LAKELAND, Fla. – The Presidents’ Roundtable, a consortium of Polk County civic clubs, will present their 2020 Public Safety Awards on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, at 9:00 AM.

The public safety awards ceremony will be held at the Lakeland Fire Department Training Center Complex, located at 2540 W Lake Parker Drive, Lakeland, FL.

The award ceremony, which is usually indoors as a luncheon banquet, will be held outdoors as a breakfast event in consideration of COVID-19 health concerns.

The event is open to award winners, their guest, and a select number of leaders from each public safety agency being honored. While members of the public are not able to attend in observance of crowd size restrictions, members of the media are invited to attend.

Members of the Polk County Sheriff’s Office, Polk County Fire Rescue, Lakeland Fire Department, Lakeland Police Department, Florida Forest Service, and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission will be honored.

The Public Safety Awards Ceremony is to recognize and honor members of our public safety professions for outstanding service to our community. The Presidents’ Roundtable thanks all the men and women in the Polk County community that serve in order to make it a better place to live.

The presidents’ Round Table meets annually to plan, arrange, and promote the Public Safety Awards Banquet. The Roundtable consist of the following participating civic or social organizations: Citrus Center Kiwanis, Dixieland Lions Club, Lakeland Christina Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club of Lakeland Florida, Inc., Rotary Club of Lakeland North, Rotary Club of Lakeland Tigertown, Lakeland Rotary Club, Lakeland South Rotary Club The North Lakeland Kiwanis Club, and the Sertoma Club of Lakeland.

Each year, this event is the joint effort of the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Coordinator of The Presidents’ Roundtable.

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