Plant strength Performance Certifies Vegan

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Plant strength Performance Certifies Vegan

Chick’n Bites Beveg Certified

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The Future is Vegan

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We are committed to transparency of process and ingredients and are super excited to have the BeVeg vegan trademark on our products"”

— Bobby Lynch, founder of Plant Strength Performance

FLORIDA, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, November 18, 2020 / — Chick’n Bites by Plant Strength Performance recently certified their new product vegan with BeVeg International, the leading global certification firm for vegan products.

BeVeg is owned and operated by a law firm that guarantees a fully vegan product that is fully risk assessed from the supply chain to packaging when they license use of the global BeVeg vegan trademark. This certification ensures no cross-contamination through shared machinery and product testing on animals with factory audits completed by highly-skilled, trained, and competent ISO certified auditors trained on the BeVeg standard.

“We are committed to transparency of process and ingredients and are super excited to have the BeVeg vegan trademark on our products, as our primary goal is consumer confidence and consumer protection. BeVeg accomplishes this by being in the business of consumer protections,” says Bobby Lynch, founder of Plant Strength Performance and radio show host.

Chick’n Bites are gluten-free with only 6g of carbs and packed with 17g of protein per serving, and boasts no additives or preservatives. The bites are made out of soy flour, garlic, onion, salt, spices, sugar, and baking powder — all ingredients verified vegan and all ingredients you can pronounce.
Chick’n Bites is available online at and in stores. The BeVeg global vegan trademark is proudly worn on the front and top of the packaging.

For more information on Plant Strength Performance and its founder, watch the interview on the Laws That Matter show series on Jane Unchained News Network with BeVeg attorney founder and show host, Carissa Kranz.

Carissa Kranz
BeVeg International
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