Pinellas County Commission Vote on Beaches, Pools, and Playgrounds. Beaches Will Open Monday


Pinellas County Commission Vote on Beaches, Pools, and Playgrounds. Beaches Will Open Monday

April 28th 2020

By: Staff Report

The Pinellas County Commission voted yes today on opening beaches, by a vote of 6 to 1, beaches will open at 7 AM on Monday, May 4th. During this session, the Commission also voted yes to open city and community pools, which goes into effect 6 AM Thursday, April 30th.

“We haven’t reached the peak in the number of cases, the peak in the number of deaths and the peak in the number of ICU beds,” Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said.

Opening the local playgrounds, was also on the voting agenda, with a vote of 7 to 0 to opening playgrounds in Pinellas County., which will go into effect at 7 AM Thursday the April 30th.

Pinellas County resident Eric Mahoney said, “We were told 2 million deaths, our hospitals would be overrun, that simply did not happen. Our civil liberties are being taken away. Listen to the Sheriff and his deputy’s. It’s time to open.”

Claudia Virela, a business owner in Pinellas County said, “We need to reopen. We need to start having a chance to prove our rights and to live within the CDC guidelines ourselves.”

Yesterday, all Sarasota County public beaches have been re-opened for limited use. The beaches are only currently open for what is deemed essential recreational activity. These activities include swimming, running, walking, and fishing.

Check back for updates to this story.

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