Pasco County Vaccinates Over 37,000 People as of Feb. 5th


Pasco County Vaccinates Over 37,000 People as of Feb. 5th

PASCO COUNTY, Fla. – Pasco County has vaccinated 37,014 people as of Friday, Feb. 5: 25,590 people have received their first doses and 11,424 people have completed their second doses.

On Thursday, Feb. 4, the Florida Department of Health in Pasco County (DOH-Pasco) administered a one-day record of nearly 1,300-second dose vaccinations at the Gulf View Square Mall, and on Sunday, Feb. 7, the Pasco County Emergency Management team provided approximately 500 vaccinations to Pasco County Schools healthcare staff and employees who are 65 years of age and older.

DOH-Pasco continues to increase the number of vaccinations being given as more vaccine is received.

“These accomplishments could not be possible without partnerships with the state and county, along with community efforts at hospitals, nursing homes, and long-term care facilities, Closed Points of Distribution (PODs) in 55+ communities, and DOH-Pasco drive-thru vaccination sites, ” DOH-Pasco said in a release.

This week, DOH-Pasco is providing a total of 4,000 first-dose vaccinations at two locations: Saint Leo University and Sears at the Gulf View Square Mall.

In addition, 500 residents will receive their second-dose vaccinations at Saint Leo University on Friday.

Over the past several weeks, Pasco County Emergency Management has coordinated the distribution of 5,883 vaccines to people in 55+ communities who are 65 and older.

DOH-Pasco is also working with large medical groups that have Closed POD agreements in place to vaccinate their staff and their 65+ clients.

“DOH-Pasco is aware that access to vaccination appointments continues to frustrate people who are having difficulty getting an appointment, and the process is even more challenging for those who are not familiar with computers,” DOH-Pasco said in a news release.

DOH-Pasco is working with CDR Maguire to improve the process and make it easier for everyone to get their COVID-19 vaccinations.

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