June 30, 2020
By: Staff Report
PASCO COUNTY, FL —- The much-anticipated acquisition of the FGUA/Pasco Aqua Utility System by Pasco County Utilities (PCU) begins Wednesday, July 1, 2020, in the Jasmine Lakes, Palm Terrace Gardens, and Zephyr Shores communities. PCU team members are pleased to welcome approximately 3,300 former Florida Governmental Utility Authority (FGUA) customers countywide and are working diligently to ensure a seamless transition.
Customers joining PCU through this transition may see a billing decrease with their new PCU rates and charges, depending on how much water they use. Rates can be viewed online at bit.ly/PCUrates, or new customers can use our estimating calculator to see before and after differences for comparable usage at: bit.ly/PCU_TransitionResources.
“PCU is committed to exceptional and individualized customer care,” said Pasco County Utilities Customer Service Director Sandra Anderson. “Whether a large group is being welcomed through a systems transition, or a single new customer is moving into our service area, our team is here to support each customer’s specific utility needs.”
Pasco County Utilities has a long-standing mission to provide high-quality water, wastewater, reclaimed water and solid waste services. Connect with PCU online by visiting PascoCountyUtilities.com for a list of services, information, online bill pay and more.