Pasco County Offers Assistance Through Community CARES


Pasco County Offers Assistance Through Community CARES

July 20, 2020

By: Staff Report

PASCO COUNTY, FL  —-  The Pasco Board of County Commissioners (BCC) is pleased to offer another round of CARES assistance through our Community CARES program to help pay your bills directly if you live in Pasco County and have experienced economic hardship due to COVID-19.  This one-time assistance will be available Tuesday, July 21, 2020,to 150 people on a first-come, first-served basis. *More assistance will be available in the coming months, so please monitor for updates.

WHAT:          Community CARES Program

WHERE:       Apply online at:

WHEN:          Applications Open:  Tuesday, July 21, 2020, at 9 a.m.

WHO:            Anyone who has not yet received Pasco CARES assistance

The types of bills eligible for payment under the Community CARES program include:

  • Mortgage (for homesteaded properties)
  • Rent
  • Utilities (water & electric only)

“The Pasco County Human Services team is devoted to serving our customers throughout the challenges caused by COVID-19,” said Community Services Director Brian Hoben.  “We know our communities are hurting financially, and we hope that offering some bill-paying assistance will provide a little relief.”

Pasco County received funding for this program through the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security or CARES Act.  The BCC initially appropriated $4 million to Pasco CARES.  Community CARES will use the remainder of that funding, with a maximum allowance of $3,500 per household.  Residents will be income-qualified at or below 80% of the Area Median Income and must prove Pasco residency and economic impact from COVID-19.

Community Services will administer the Community CARES program as part of our mission to improve the lives of Pasco’s residents through housing and community partnerships using state and federal funding.

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