Openings on Pasco’s Food Policy Advisory Council


Openings on Pasco’s Food Policy Advisory Council

June 12, 2020

By: Press Release

PASCO COUNTY, FL  —-  Are you ready to make a healthy difference in your community?  The Food Policy Advisory Council (FPAC) is seeking new volunteers, who live in Pasco County, for its twelve-member committee.  FPAC advises the Pasco Board of County Commissioners (BCC) on food policies in an effort to promote an equitable, resilient, local food system in Pasco County.

Applicants are needed to fill the following positions:

  • Certified Nutritionist
  • Attorney with experience in food systems
  • Farmer’s Market Representative
  • Pasco residents or business owners interested in food security policy (two vacancies)

Qualified applicants interested in serving on the FPAC are encouraged to submit an application via our online submission form: Application for Advisory Board.

Applications are being accepted until positions are filled:

FPAC works to improve access to culturally-appropriate, nutritionally-sound and affordable food produced in the county.  The Council provides comprehensive, community food policy input that can dramatically reduce instances of chronic disease and obesity, preserve and promote agricultural initiatives and assist with new business development in the food system sector.

The BCC appoints FPAC members who represent a diverse knowledge base and expertise from various industries.  Members serve three-year terms, and meet, at minimum, on a quarterly basis at various locations throughout the county.

For more information on the Food Policy Advisory Council, please visit:

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