June 4, 2020
By: Staff Report
At the corner of Livingston and Route 54 in Lutz, a protest is taking place. Different than most protests we have seen in the media.
A one man protest.
“I’m just standing out here today before I go to the main protests downtown at Curtis Hixon Park, to just spread awareness that black lives matter, that they do indeed matter. That’s why I’m here right now,” said Christopher Pressoir.

“I couldn’t I couldn’t take a part of the protest yesterday because of work, so I figured I’d just do my part to pay it forward and by spreading awareness here, particularly, because I feel like this part of the town. I’m glad that there are bigger protests downtown, people around here need to know that too so that’s why I’m standing here,” Pressoir said.
We spoke for a few minutes regarding the Minnesota officers that were charged in George Floyd’s death and Pessoir said, “That is a positive step forward, but I do feel like there is more that needs to be done. It’s bigger than the police, but the police are a big factor in what’s going on right now.”
“It’s a big systemic thing going on with our races in the communities, for example, I feel like the money that we do give to those resources for the police as important as they are within our cities, they could be allocated to the community. Because once they’re relocated in different parts of the public sector of the community it would be a positive step forward.”
“If you look at the numbers just recently, a budget plan came out for the LAPD, and I believe that the LAPD alone is getting $3 to $5 billion dollars in public funding and that could be used for transportation, homelessness, and just things that go to the thing to help people that would prevent crime in the first place,” said Pressoir.
The raindrops started to pick up to a steady downpour. As we started to wrap up our conversation, a TECO truck pulled over to the side of the road, next to where Pressoir and I were standing.
TECO employee, Jose Manzano, jumped from the truck to bring Pressoir an umbrella and exchange a hug of support.
Maybe a start to the healing process that’s needed.