Northwestern University Opinions Editor Says People Even Walk Racist


Northwestern University Opinions Editor Says People Even Walk Racist

We long ago passed the point where liberals claimed to see and smell racism in everything about America.

But at least they’re striving to be entertaining in their absurdity.

One example was U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg asserting last month that America’s highways were racist.

Kenny Allen may have topped that.

Allen is the opinions editor at The Daily Northwestern, the campus paper at Northwestern University.

According to the conservative group Campus Reform, which last week spotlighted an op-ed piece Allen wrote in April, Allen argues that the way white people walk is racist.

“When I first got to Northwestern, I wondered why walking around on campus could be so frustrating. Even when sidewalks were relatively empty, I would often have to walk way around people to pass without bumping into them,” Allen wrote.

“At first, I chalked it up to the geographic diversity of the school; maybe the people that came to this school were used to different ways of moving through a public place.”

But then he got to the root cause.

He applied a five-part test created by University of Richmond sociologist Bedelia Richards to determine if your college campus is racist.

“Any honest accounting of the decision-making structures at this school would tell you” that Northwestern is in fact racist, Allen wrote. “And this power dynamic is always present in the way Black students interact with this institution.”

Right down to its sidewalks.

Allen asserted that he and his black friends all felt they “were being pushed off the sidewalks.” That feeling, it seems, was connected to Jim Crow laws, according to Allen.

Never mind that Northwestern is outside of Chicago. Everything everywhere across America is now a “relic” of Jim Crow, as Barack Obama says.

“That social order required Black people to yield to White people whenever possible.  … Black people were made to show deference to White people any time they interacted. One of the ways they were made to do so was by stepping off the sidewalk when a White person was walking past,” Allen argued.

“The informal rules are passed down through generations just like any other kind of etiquette. White people came to expect the right of way in public spaces. White people who were accustomed to moving through the world like that — intentionally or not — taught their kids to move through the world in the same way. And the racism that undergirded Jim Crow wasn’t eliminated just because the laws were no longer overtly racist.”

Continuing, Allen wrote, “Many White people walk around (Northwestern’s) campus having unknowingly absorbed this particular facet of White supremacy, and the leaders of the institution do little to make us believe that White supremacy is something worth challenging in the first place. … (T)he sidewalk question is just one way in which Black people are made to feel unwelcome.”

“This is to say that essentially every aspect of our society, including the way we physically move through space, has been shaped by a racist legacy,” he added.

There it is: “Every” aspect of society is racist.

“Uprooting that White supremacy requires both recognizing its scale and disrupting it however it shows up,” Allen concluded. Can’t wait to see where libs find racism next.

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