North Carolina College Student Arrested For Racist Incident. And As Often Happens, It’s A Hoax


North Carolina College Student Arrested For Racist Incident. And As Often Happens, It’s A Hoax

It’s a day that ends in “y,” so it must be time for another race hoax.

This time, it comes from East Carolina University.

A black student at the North Carolina college, James Edwards, was arrested on a charge of cyberstalking after he posted a message on social media that asserted a fraternity was discriminating against blacks.

Edwards turned himself on Friday.

Using the app Yik Yak, Edwards posted that the Theta Chi fraternity was hosting a “rush” party, which is intended to recruit new members.

“PNMs [potential new members] and girls only. No blacks. Girls 5$ at door,” Edwards wrote. The post also provided the name and phone number of a Theta Chi member as a contact.

Local media reported that the post was originally made in August. It’s unclear what took police so long to link it to Edwards, but police said Yik Yak cooperated in the investigation.

Edwards, it turned out, is a political science major at East Carolina and vice president of recruitment for Pi Lambda Phi, a rival fraternity.

As The Free Press reported on Monday, Terresha Lucas, a black woman from Douglasville, Georgia, was recently arrested for making terrorist threats to her black neighbors. She left notes in mailboxes threatening violence, as she claimed to be a white man who belonged to the Ku Klux Klan, but did not live in the neighborhood.

Lucas’ arrest came just days after a black student at a St. Louis high school confessed to writing racist anti-black graffiti inside his school and after a black janitor in Atlanta was arrested for vandalizing a university building with swastikas and the N-word. 

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