New Book – Good Money Habits In 17 Minutes Per Day – Helps Improve Financial Literacy and Wellness

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New Book – Good Money Habits In 17 Minutes Per Day – Helps Improve Financial Literacy and Wellness

Good Money Habits in 17 Minutes Per Day

Improving America's Financial Literacy

Improving America’s Financial Literacy

Americans spend about two minutes daily on money matters and over two hours on social media. A new book helps consumers improve their financial literacy.

Americans need more money time! They are not spending enough time learning about money. By spending just 17 minutes per day they can positively change their financial lives.”

— Harry N. Stout

VERO BEACH, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, September 13, 2021 / — Good money habits drive financial success and wellness. But survey after survey reports that Americans of all ages have poor money skills and low levels of personal finance knowledge along with high levels of money related anxiety. They lack formal education and training in money matters. At the same time consumers are using their limited time to consult Tik-Tok, YouTube and other social media outlets for money questions and knowledge. These households have also just experienced a once in a century pandemic that has reset how they value and approach money.

Now is the perfect time for time starved individuals to improve their money skills and knowledge. They need to make learning about personal financial matters a higher priority. A new book from personal finance thought leader and published author Harry N. Stout is now available to help do just that. Good Money Habits in 17 Minutes Per Day or the “Little Green Money Book” provides the structure and framework to accomplish this.

Stout has taken his over 30 years of experience in personal finance and created a simplified book to aid readers in their quest for money knowledge. He asks readers to dedicate two hours per week or 17 minutes per day to money matters. Given that most people spend over two and one-half hours using social media this is quite achievable.

The book simplifies the complex world of personal finance and distills it into an easy-to-understand discussion of what money habits and knowledge are needed to achieve basic financial security. The book presents the actions and resources readers can take to rapidly improve their financial situation.

Good Money Habits in 17 Minutes Per Day covers:

* The Pandemic Money Reset – Values, Spending and Priorities

* The Financial Stages of Life

 Adulting – To Age 30
 Striving – Ages 31 to 70
 Fulfilling- Over Age 70

* The Six Building Blocks to Financial Security, including:

 Determining Where You Stand
 Rethinking Financial Values
 Improving Financial Knowledge
 Focusing Your Money Mindset
 Developing Your Cash Plan
 Improving Your Money Habits

* Must Do Money Actions for All Stages of Life to Improve Money Habits

The book can be ordered at and through Amazon and major national book distributors. $9.99 print and $3.99 eBook.

Harry N. Stout is a published author and former senior executive for several of the nation's largest financial services companies. He is a past director of the National Association for Fixed Annuities (NAFA), the Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association (LIMRA), the Financial Services Council of Australia and the Insurance Marketplace Standards Association.

He has over thirty years of practical experience in all aspects of personal finance. A certified public accountant by training, he has industry experience in the U.S. and abroad. He is acknowledged as a national personal finance thought leader and has written for numerous financial publications and participated in national media of all types.

Stout is available for interviews and can create byline articles on request. To reach out to Stout for more information please send an email to Also, please visit for more information about Stout and subscribe to his free weekly MoneySavers blog at

Harry N Stout
The FinancialVerse Organization
+1 843-460-3218
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