Voting Booth, Source: TFP File Photo

Nebraska AG Joins Multi-State Lawsuit Challenging Federal Voter Registration Funding Under Biden Admin

Voting Booth, Source: TFP File Photo
Voting Booth, Source: TFP File Photo

Nebraska Attorney General Mike Hilgers, along with attorneys general from eight other states, has filed a lawsuit against the Biden-Harris Administration.

The legal action challenges what they claim is an unlawful use of federal funds for voter registration under Executive Order 14019, issued by President Biden in 2021. This executive order directs federal agencies to engage in voter registration activities, a function traditionally held by states.

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The coalition argues that this directive oversteps federal authority, infringes on states’ rights to manage voter registration, and could potentially politicize the use of taxpayer dollars by involving partisan third-party groups. “The Biden Administration’s Order seems like a politicized effort to mobilize voters using federal funds, which is unlawful,” stated Attorney General Hilgers.

The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the District of Kansas. It seeks a judicial declaration that the executive order is unconstitutional and requests an injunction to prevent federal agencies from implementing it. The states contend that EO 14019 exceeds the powers granted to federal executive entities and threatens the integrity of state-controlled voter registration systems, impacting elections at all levels.

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Joining Nebraska in the lawsuit are Iowa, South Dakota, Mississippi, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and South Carolina, with the litigation led by Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen and Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach.

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