More than $15,000 of equipment stolen from West Palm Beach Cub Scout Pack on Thanksgiving Day.

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More than $15,000 of equipment stolen from West Palm Beach Cub Scout Pack on Thanksgiving Day.

Cub Scout Pack 141 West Palm Beach

Thousands of dollars of camping equipment, including a transport trailer, was stolen from a local Cub Scout group, Cub Scout Pack 141, on Thanksgiving.

WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, USA, December 14, 2021 / —

More than $15,000 of equipment stolen from West Palm Beach Cub Scout Pack on Thanksgiving Day
Thousands of dollars of camping equipment, including a transport trailer, was stolen from a local Cub Scout group, Cub Scout Pack 141, on Thanksgiving.

The trailer was used to store and transport refrigerated food, equipment, and camping gear to pack meetings, campouts, and other activities. A pediatric defibrillator was among the items inside the trailer at the time it was taken. All of the equipment was funded through popcorn sales and donated labor from Cub Scout parent members over more than ten years. "We had a lot of equipment in the trailer that we acquired over years and you just can't replace that overnight," said Cub Master David Herlong. “It’s hard to understand why someone would steal from a group of young boys and girls.” Cub Scout Pack 141 has more than 100 Cub Scouts, divided into six dens according to grade level. The group has been operating out of Rosarian Academy for 30 years.

Den leaders informed the Cub Scouts of the theft during a pack meeting on Sunday. The group of young community leaders are staying optimistic and plan to keep their camaraderie alive. "It is a setback but it’s just one part of the group," said Cub Scout, Daniel. Scout law says that a Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. “The members of Cub Scout Pack 141 really embody the qualities of Scout Law,” said Herlong. “They’re great kids and it’s really a shame that they are the ones affected by this criminal act. But, like all things, we will learn from it.”

A fundraiser was started to replace the trailer, first aid kit, and camping gear. Visit to donate.

If you have any information about the stolen trailer, contact West Palm Beach police.

Cub Scout Pack 141
Instagram @pack141wpb

David Herlong
Cub Scout Pack 141
+1 561-373-0610
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