Breaking News From Tampa Free Press

Deadly Violence Erupts At German Music Festival, Three Dead

Breaking News From Tampa Free Press
Breaking News From Tampa Free Press

A horrific attack at the “Festival of Diversity” in Solingen, Germany, has left at least three people dead and several others injured. Police are actively searching for the suspect responsible for this violence.

The festival, part of Solingen’s 650th anniversary celebrations, was meant to be a joyful occasion, but was tragically marred by the attack.

Solingen’s mayor, Tim Kurzbach, expressed his profound sadness and shock in a Facebook post, offering condolences to the victims and their families and thanking the first responders.

“Tonight we are all in Solingen in shock, fright and great sadness. We all wanted to celebrate our city anniversary together and now we have to mourn the dead and injured. Breaks my heart that there was an assassination attack on our town. Tears in my eyes when I think of those we have lost. I pray for all those who are still fighting for their lives,” said Kurzbach.

The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are urging anyone with information to come forward.

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