Loudoun County Board Of Supervisors Votes In Favor Of A Racial Discrimination Study To Consider If Reparations Are Appropriate


Loudoun County Board Of Supervisors Votes In Favor Of A Racial Discrimination Study To Consider If Reparations Are Appropriate

Kendall Tietz 

The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors voted in favor of a study Tuesday to review the history of racial discrimination and consider the merits of reparations.

The county supervisor, Juli Briskman, said the proposal was specifically related to the county’s choice to continue segregating its schools for 14 years after Brown vs. Board of Education, the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision that prohibited school segregation, Fox 5 DC reported.

“The anti-CRT (critical race theory) movement is much more about ‘today’ and what we’re teaching today,” Briskman said, Fox 5 DC reported. “And my Board member initiative is looking back at potential harm that was because we operated segregated schools illegally against the ruling of Brown vs. the Board of Education.”

The proposal passed 6-3 with the dissenters arguing the proposal lacked specific goals, the Loudoun-Mirror Times reported.

Loudoun County has become a critical race theory battleground in recent months with angry parents and teachers speaking out at school board meetings over the district’s policies.

CRT holds that America is fundamentally racist, yet it teaches people to view every social interaction and person in terms of race. Its adherents pursue “antiracism” through the end of merit, objective truth and the adoption of race-based policies.

“I would just encourage our joint commission or whatever committee to come out of this to just ignore the outside noise because what’s happening in Fairfax and us, has little to do with us and in many ways has to do with ‘message testing’ for the 2022 elections and beyond,” Briskman said, Fox 5 DC reported.

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