Leading Design Thinking Firm Sponsors the American Heart Association Heart Ball

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Leading Design Thinking Firm Sponsors the American Heart Association Heart Ball

Stonehill is pleased to announce it will be sponsoring the 2022 Tampa Bay Heart Ball.

As a stroke survivor, I am honored to sponsor the Tampa Bay Heart Ball”

— Doug Pace, CEO of Stonehill

TAMPA, FL, UNITED STATES, September 30, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — Stonehill is pleased to announce it will be sponsoring the 2022 Tampa Bay Heart Ball. Through the Heart of Tampa Bay and Heart Ball campaign, attendees will celebrate the collective success in driving change, funding science, and improving behaviors for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases and strokes. The Tampa Bay Heart Ball will take place on Saturday, April 9, 2022, at the Tampa Marriott Water Street.

Heart disease is the number 1 killer worldwide, and stroke ranks second globally. The American Heart Association (AHA) focuses on the cutting-edge of research, science, technology, and more. The AHA has invested more than $4.8 billion in research, making them the largest not-for-profit funding source for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease research next to the federal government. In more than 150 communities across the country, Heart of Tampa Bay and Heart Ball supporters unite with a shared purpose to raise the critical funds needed to ensure the work continues.

Sponsorship of the Tampa Bay Heart Ball is funded through Stonehill’s 1% for the Community Program. Stonehill currently donates 1% of its overall revenue to community causes that make a healthier, smarter, and cleaner future for our community. Doug Pace, CEO of Stonehill, has a personal connection with the American Heart Association as he survived a stroke in 2016. Mr. Pace currently serves as an Executive Leader on the American Heart Association Heart Ball.

“As a stoke survivor, I am honored to sponsor the Tampa Bay Heart Ball,” said Doug Pace, CEO of Stonehill. “It is very important to me to support the American Heart Association Heart Ball so they can continue their amazing work improving the quality of life of those suffering from cardiovascular diseases and strokes.”

To learn more about the Tampa Bay Heart Ball, visit https://ahastpetersburg.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/20212022TampaBayHeartBall/tabid/1255559/Default.aspx.

About Stonehill:
Stonehill is a strategy and innovation consultancy. As recognized experts in Design Thinking, Business Intelligence, and Organizational Development, Stonehill helps companies to identify opportunity, create change, and accelerate growth. Stonehill’s teams consist of an innovative blend of creative, strategy, technology, and change management experts, giving us the ability to unite the functional silos of business in the common objective of creating differentiated customer experiences. Stonehill has been recognized by Insight Magazine as Design Leader of the Year, the US Chamber of Commerce as Emerging Business of the Year, Great Agencies as one of the Top Business Intelligence Consultants in the United States, and CIO Review Magazine as one of the 20 Most Promising Performance Management Providers.


p class=”contact” dir=”auto” style=”margin: 1em 0″>Douglass Pace
Stonehill Innovation
+1 7276416145
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