Leading Causes Of Road Accidents And How To Deal With Them

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Leading Causes Of Road Accidents And How To Deal With Them

Road accidents claim the lives of people each year. They can also result in unfavorable outcomes, such as financial losses, permanent injuries, and property damage.

Although some of these incidents are unavoidable, many can be prevented. You can better achieve this by becoming more knowledgeable about its main causes. Here are a few worth considering. 

  1. Drunk driving
Road accidents claim the lives of people each year. They can also result in unfavorable outcomes, such as financial losses, permanent injuries, and property damage.

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Alcohol-impaired driving contributes to car accidents daily, killing an average of 29 people. Alcohol slows down the human body’s reaction speed and impairs concentration. Moreover, it takes longer for the limbs to respond to brain commands. Vision is also hampered because of dizziness. These factors result in collisions, many of which are fatal. Unfortunately, drinking alcohol is extremely prevalent. The best approach is to avoid driving while intoxicated if you enjoy drinking alcohol frequently. You can ask a friend or hire a designated driver to drive you, or better yet, take an uber. 

  1. Driving too fast

The majority of deadly accidents are caused by speeding. Running late for work, trying to keep up with traffic, enjoying the rush of speeding, and other factors can all contribute to overspeeding. The severity of an accident also applies here, with faster vehicles being more accident-prone than slower ones. You must adhere to the posted speed limit on the highway to avoid this. This way, you will have enough braking distance should something or someone suddenly appear in front of you.

  1. Recklessness of drivers

Road accidents, particularly those involving pedestrians, are believed to be mostly caused by drivers’ recklessness. Pedestrians may be in danger from drivers failing to watch for pedestrians or driving recklessly through crosswalks. Irresponsible driving comprises several behaviors, including openly ignoring other people’s safety and property and disobeying traffic regulations. If you have been injured due to reckless driving, you can get help from a pedestrian accident lawyer. The best approach to deal with this problem is to fine or penalize reckless drivers. For other motorists, this will act as a deterrence.

  1. Driving past red lights and stop signs

Red light running is typical at junctions where cars cross the street oblivious to the signal. Running a red light or a stop sign is the cause of many collisions at intersections. Many believe that stopping at a red-light wastes time and fuel. Contrary to popular belief, investigations have demonstrated that punctual commuter arrival at destinations is made possible by everyone obeying traffic signals. Drivers who disregard traffic signals carry the danger of inflicting wrongful death since they frequently engage in high-speed side-impact crashes. It is not worthwhile to risk hurting or harming yourself or others to save one to two minutes or less of waiting time. If you find yourself involved in an accident with a driver who has run a stop light, you can contact a car accident attorney to support your claim and get compensated for damage to your vehicle and injuries you might have sustained.

  1. Bad weather conditions
Road accidents claim the lives of people each year. They can also result in unfavorable outcomes, such as financial losses, permanent injuries, and property damage.

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Due to reduced tire grip on a slippery surface, it may be difficult for a car to halt in time to let a person pass. Moreover, dangerous walking conditions may result in a pedestrian falling into the path of an unaware driver. In addition, ice and rain can force vehicles to veer into crosswalks and cause curb jumping. Accidents can be influenced by fog, water depth, and wind speed. It’s advisable to drive cautiously or pull over and wait to move on until after the storm passes if visibility is too limited or the roadways seem excessively slippery.

  1. Driving in the wrong lane

Another common cause of car accidents is wrong-way driving. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 300 people die yearly due to wrong-way driving. Always look out for the road signs and check to ensure you are in the right lane if you want to prevent these traffic collisions. Also, when driving, avoid passing another car on the shoulder.

  1. Worn-out tires

Another frequent reason for auto accidents is blown tires. A blowout might happen when a tire’s tread begins to thin out, or there is a hole in the tire. It’s not unusual to lose control of the vehicle when this happens. Even worse, the car can run off the road and collide with other cars. Check your tires for excessive wear regularly to prevent this. You can check your tires for damage if you hit a curb or a pothole, so keep this in mind.

  1. Driving while distracted

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of auto accidents. Texting, chatting on the cell phone, eating, and even switching the radio station are all included. These pursuits divert your attention from the road, which may result in catastrophe. The National Safety Council estimates that about 1.6 million car accidents occur yearly due to distracted driving. Texting is arguably the most dangerous kind of distracted driving because it takes the driver’s hands off the wheel, eyes off the road, and focuses away from driving. Pull over to a safe area before texting if you must while driving. Additionally, avoid distractions like eating and rubbernecking to protect yourself and other drivers.

  1. Animal Crossing

Car accidents frequently result from animals crossing the road. Be prepared to stop when you encounter a sign for an animal crossing. Animals have the potential to suddenly rush into the road and cause a collision. You will not be able to respond in time if your vehicle ends up swerving abruptly, so keep this in mind. Always abide by intersection signs to prevent these mishaps. Do not attempt to pass an animal on the side of the road if you see one. Instead, take your time and allow for it to cross. 

  1. Making improper turns 
Road accidents claim the lives of people each year. They can also result in unfavorable outcomes, such as financial losses, permanent injuries, and property damage.

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Another typical reason for car accidents is improper turning. A driver may make a wrong turn if they ignore their traffic signals. It is a legal violation that endangers you and other drivers, so keep this in mind. Use your turn signals whenever you are making a turn and stay in the proper lane to prevent making mistakes with your turns. 

Many accidents can be avoided if only drivers know what to avoid when on the road. Hopefully, you’ll avoid those listed above to ensure safe driving. 

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