Launch of MaximoWorld Website 2022

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Launch of MaximoWorld Website 2022

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MaximoWorld 2021 Speaker Session

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Submit your abstracts for MaximoWorld 2022

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Submit your company for a MaximoWorld 2022 Award

The site is a one-stop-shop for everything you need for MaximoWorld 2022 in Austin, Texas August 9-11th 2022.

We invite shared stories on reimagining the workplace and creating a new experience — one that allows employees to be both safe and productive.”

— Reliabilityweb

FORT MYERS, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, March 18, 2022 / —® has announced the launch of their MaximoWorld website The site is a one-stop-shop for everything you need for MaximoWorld 2022 in Austin, Texas August 9-11th with pre-conference activities on August 8th. The conference is a space to connect with the MaximoWorld community and gain incomparable insight and networking. Some topics that will be covered at the conference:

Connected Workers/Connected Assets
Digital Twins
Maximo Application Suite
Maintenance Planning & Scheduling
Performance Indicators
APM Summit

Artificial Intelligence
Asset Health Indexing
Asset Knowledge
Connected Data Environments
Decision Making
Edge Computing
Hybrid Cloud
Machine Learning

And so much more! MaximoWorld is one of the most generous knowledge and experience sharing forums in the world, featuring some of the world’s best-run organizations combined with leading-edge technology from IBM® and other technology leaders. There’s so much to do and learn at MaximoWorld that provides the right tools and information you can apply when returning back to work.

Didn’t get a chance to submit your abstract for MaximoWorld 2022 Call for Papers? We’ve extended the deadline to incorporate TRIRIGA® Users and Solution Providers, you have until February 25th to submit.

"A great place to work" has been redefined by COVID-19, employee expectations and technology. It is known that employees can work effectively from home, but studies show that 66 percent would prefer to be in the office for at least a portion of their work week.

We invite you to share your story on how you are reimagining the workplace and creating a new experience — one that allows employees to be both safe and productive.

IBM® TRIRIGA® Users and Solution Providers are invited to submit an abstract for consideration!

The Asset Performance Management Summit is co-located with the MaximoWorld Conference. To flourish in today’s uncertain environment, over 6000 of the world’s best run companies, use the Uptime® Elements Reliability Framework and Asset Management System™ powered by Uptime Elements Digitalization Strategy Framework to create long-term aligned strategies delivered by an engaged, cross-functional, reliability leadership culture. They have discovered how asset performance management [APM] fuels enterprise asset management [EAM/CMMS] for a safe, sustainable and successful workplace.
The APM Summit includes subject matter experts and guest speakers sharing current best practices, success factors, discussions and exercises on the technology, data, technical activities, business process, and leadership related to:

Reliability Engineering for Maintenance – strategies to assure asset function
Asset Condition Management – approaches to manage asset health and condition
Work Execution Management – methods for efficient planning, scheduling and execution of maintenance tasks, inspections, and decisions
Leadership for Reliability – leadership to create an engaged culture of reliability
Asset Management – a management system to coordinate and align lifecycle activities and stakeholders on achieving organizational objectives
Digitalization and IoT – connecting synchronized data for real time analytics, simulations and optimization

As a way to highlight and showcase the MaximoWorld community, the MaximoWorld Awards will be held during the event. Award submissions are now open on the site. We invite nominations for the annual MaximoWorld Awards to recognize excellent team for accomplishments in these categories:

These MaximoWorld Awards categories apply to SOLUTION PROVIDERS:
Best Maximo Asset Performance Management
Best Maximo Asset Management Data Governance
Best Digital Twin with Maximo
Best New Implementation (within the last two years)
Best Use with a SCADA Data Program (fault codes, report sharing, etc.)
Best AI/Machine Learning/IIoT Implementation
Best Autonomous Inspection with Maximo

These MaximoWorld Awards categories apply to PRACTITIONERS:
Best AI/Machine Learning/IoT Implementation with Maximo
Best Use of Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality/Visual Inspection
Best Sustainability Program with Maximo

For more information on awards applications, benefits of receiving an award, and the application process visit

Visit the website for more information and to register:

Since 1999, discovers and delivers information on approaches that make the people we serve safer and more successful based on three lines of business:

Publishing: Digital and print including Uptime magazine, Publishing with over 150 book titles, website in English and Spanish, ReliabilityTV™ and Reliability Radio®.

Conferences: The RELIABILITY Conference™, Asset Performance Management Summit, International Maintenance Conference, and MaximoWorld.

Training and Certification: Certified Reliability Leader® workshops and certification based on Uptime Elements – A Reliability Framework and Asset Management System; also Certified Maintenance Manager™ workshops and certification, developed by the Association of Asset Management Professionals (AMP).

For more information, please visit®, Uptime®, The RELIABILITY Conference™, Certified Reliability Leader®, Reliability Framework and Asset Management System™, Reliability Radio®, ReliabilityTV™ and Certified Maintenance Manager™ are the trademarks or registered trademarks of Reliabilityweb, Inc. in the USA and in several other countries.
IBM® and Maximo® are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
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