Largest Sports and Crypto Leaders Launch NFT Collection

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Largest Sports and Crypto Leaders Launch NFT Collection

Basketball Player NFT

MIAMI, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, January 21, 2022 / — SportsEdTV, the largest producer of free world-class sports instructional content has launched its first stage collection of sports-specific art as NFT’s on OpenSea, the world’s first and largest digital marketplace for crypto collectibles.

NFT's (non-fungible tokens) provide iron-clad indestructible proof of ownership and NFT Mania, according to the Financial Times, has captured the imagination of crypto enthusiasts and is rapidly going mainstream.

“Like the sports idol posters we put on our walls as kids, the digital generation has NFT’s to collect and inspire. Ours are affordable and will feature NFT’s in numerous sports, and we are directing portions of any proceeds to our charitable foundation,” said Robert Mazzucchelli, Founder, and Chairman, SportsEdTV.

SportsEdTV NFT Collection joins a sports category on the OpenSea marketplace that features images running from Gronk-to-Gherig and other NFT’s of sports, heroes, and events. Some have developed amazing value, not unlike trading cards.

“We’re joining the likes of Nike, Twitter, Warner Brothers, in NFT projects and are adding value to our offering by linking purchases to memberships and SportsEdTV’s upcoming loyalty awards,” added Victor Bergonzoli, CEO SportsEdTV.

The pieces represent the first SportsEdTV NFT Collectibles postings including dramatic soccer, tennis, basketball, taekwondo, volleyball, and weightlifting art.

About SportsEdTV: SportsEdTV exists to help athletes, coaches and parents LEARN, WIN, and CELEBRATE. We don't expect everyone who uses our learning tools to become a world champion – that's not our mission.

We do expect people who use our educational resources to become their champion, by whatever definition they view success in their chosen sport. For some, success is making the varsity team, for others, it’s becoming country champion, and for others still, it may simply be gaining proficiency at a sport that offers a lifetime of fun and fitness. “

To us, no matter your aspirations in sport, if you are striving to improve, you are winning! As a leading sports education media company, we provide FREE video and blog content to anyone in the world with an internet connection.

We also offer a global online community, where athletes, parents, and coaches can interact, connect, chat, share content and find new friends. SportsEdTV videos feature coaching from world-class coaches and athletes – many of whom are or have coached world champions – and have been watched by viewers in every country in the world.


p class=”contact” dir=”auto” style=”margin: 1em 0″>Robert Mazzucchelli
+1 917-822-4828

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