Kurt Browning Pasco School Superintendent Positive for COVID-19


Kurt Browning Pasco School Superintendent Positive for COVID-19

June 22, 2020

By: Staff Report

kurt browing pasco the free press tampa

Land O’ Lakes – Kurt Browning, superintendent for Pasco County Schools, has tested positive for COVID-19, according to the school district.

Superintendent Kurt Browning is self-isolating at his home after he experienced relatively minor symptoms since last Friday.

Pasco schools said Browning received his positive results on Sunday.

“My symptoms are relatively minor, but I’m not taking this lightly,’’ Browning said, “I’m looking forward to getting back to work full strength as soon as the medical experts say I can.”

The superintendent has spent time in the office in recent days, the school district said, “His interactions were not in close contact with others and does not require others to self-isolate or get tested.”

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