Kelly Branch Library And What It Offers


Kelly Branch Library And What It Offers

Kelly Branch Library And What It Offers. Photo and Story by Alexa V. Estevez
Kelly Branch Library And What It Offers. Photo and Story by Alexa V. Estevez

LAKELAND, Fla. – Since the fall of 2023, the Kelly Branch Library has been in full operation at the Kelly Recreation Complex (KRC). Located behind the Walmart on South Florida Avenue, the branch’s proximity to the shopping plaza and its integration into KRC have attracted both existing and new library users. 

“Users are continuing to discover the Kelly Branch Library, and staff there see existing library users as well as new-to-the-library users from the surrounding neighborhoods and recreation center users,” said Lakeland’s Assistant City Librarian, Stephanie Brown.

Unlike the rest of the KRC, there are no fees to access the library.

“All three Lakeland Libraries—Lakeland Public Library, Larry R. Jackson Branch Library, and Kelly Branch Library—are free and open to the public,” said Brown.

To check-out items, a library card is required, but it is also free to obtain.

To get a library card, you can visit your nearest public library with a valid photo ID and proof of current address, such as a driver’s license, utility bill, rental agreement, or voter’s registration card. There is no minimum age requirement to apply for a library card, but individuals 15 years of age and younger must have a parent or guardian present. 

Regarding its size, the library at KRC has the capacity of its larger-scale locations with a variety of books to choose from, such as popular adult fiction and nonfiction titles, graphic novels, picture books, and read-along audio picture books.

The Kelly Branch also has mobile Wi-Fi hotspot devices for checkout and Chromebooks for use within the facility. Some of the children’s materials are bilingual in English/Spanish, but items from any Polk County public library can be requested and sent to Kelly Branch Library for pickup.

In addition to traditional books, there are also audiobooks called Play-Aways. These are preloaded, portable, MP3 audiobook devices that come with a battery and require headphones. They are located on the bottom shelf near the printer found in the library, which is also available for use.

The Kelly Branch Library also makes sure to highlight novels upon celebratory dates.

“Like all Lakeland Public Libraries, we try to provide some display to compliment various themes for a given month or season. For example, last December was our first December here at Kelly, and we offered Christmas books, while in January, we made a point to offer books for both Winter and Martin Luther King Jr. Day on that particular week,” said Kelly Branches Library Associate Danielle Daniels.

Kelly Branch Library And What It Offers. Photo and Story by Alexa V. Estevez
Kelly Branch Library And What It Offers. Photo By Alexa V. Estevez

There is currently only one scheduled activity at the KRC Library branch, which is Storytime for Preschoolers.

“We’ve only had one so far, but we had great attendance, so we’re excited for the future,” said Daniels.

Storytime takes place on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 10:15 AM and is held in the upstairs Activities Room of the Kelly Recreation Center.

In addition to Preschool Storytime, the KRC library is in the process of developing more programs.

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