Jack & Jill Center Hosts Run 4 The Kids 5K on Saturday, September 18, 2021 Fort Lauderdale, FL

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Jack & Jill Center Hosts Run 4 The Kids 5K on Saturday, September 18, 2021 Fort Lauderdale, FL

Thanks 4 going the distance!

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Jack & Jill Center Hosts Run 4 The Kids 5K on September 18, 2021, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Funds raised will help provide scholarships & family support services.

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL, USA, July 13, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ —

Jack & Jill Center is hosting the 2nd Annual Run 4 The Kids 5K in-person and virtually on Saturday, September 18, 2021. Registration begins at 8 am and the race starts at 8:30 a.m.

In support of the children and families of Jack & Jill Center, more than 200 runners and walkers of all experience levels are expected to join in the family-friendly 5K which begins at LauderAle Brewery, located at 3305 SE 14 Ave in Fort Lauderdale. There is a special registration price available this year for $50 that will help provide scholarships for a week of high-quality early education for a child in need in addition to a t-shirt and medal. The general registration fee for adults is $30 which helps fund Jack & Jill’s mission of ending poverty in the local community and includes a medal and t-shirt. For children ages 15 and under, registration is $15 and includes a medal. All participants 21+ will receive a complimentary beer race day. The event is dog friendly.

To sign up visit: https://runsignup.com/Race/FL/FortLauderdale/JackJillRunforKids

All funds raised from this event will assist in providing quality early childhood education scholarships and family support services to Jack & Jill Center and the Madelaine Halmos Academy! For parents, Jack & Jill Center is their greatest hope to provide a stable future for their families. Jack & Jill is the oldest nonprofit provider of early childhood education in Broward County and continues to serve young children of high-need parents to ensure that they are provided the adequate resources to reach their full potential.

Sponsorship opportunities are available: https://www.jackandjillcenter.org/event/run4kids/

About Jack & Jill Center
Jack & Jill Center’s mission is to strengthen children and families through innovative education, supportive programming, and community engagement. It achieves its mission by focusing on both the children and family units as a whole, so that the entire household, children and parents alike, are able to reach their full potential. For over 79 years, Jack & Jill Center has served more than 20,000 children and families in South Florida. It currently serves as a NAEYC-accredited year-round early learning program for children aged 6 weeks though preschool, as well as an elementary school ― with a brand-new elementary facility, The Madelaine Halmos Academy, housing kindergarten through fifth grade unveiled in spring 2021. For more information about Jack & Jill visit www.jackandjillcenter.org.

Media Contact: Ashley Kozich
Pierson Grant Public Relations
Phone: 954-213-8685

Jack & Jill Center Contact:
Alana Wortsman
954.463.8722 x 217


p class=”contact” dir=”auto” style=”margin: 1em 0″>Alana Wortsman
Jack & Jill Center
+1 954-463-8772 ext. 217
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