Ivy League College Sees Unity in Division, Hosts Separate Grad Ceremonies Based on Identity Politics


Ivy League College Sees Unity in Division, Hosts Separate Grad Ceremonies Based on Identity Politics

George Orwell once said there are some ideas so outrageous that only intellectuals would believe them.

So, in true Orwellian fashion, Columbia University promotes segregation as diversity inclusion for its 2021 graduation ceremonies and somehow believes it is fostering unity and racial harmony.

On its website, the Ivy League school notes, “In honor of Columbia’s diverse student community and complementing the school- and University-wide graduation ceremonies, we are proud to also offer Multicultural Graduation Celebrations, which provide a more intimate setting for students who self-identify in a variety of ways.”

“These events invite community members to reflect on personal growth and community experiences that have impacted their time as students through to graduation. All students are invited to participate in these celebrations.”

Columbia further breaks down the ceremonies as follows: Multicultural Affairs Graduation, Native Graduation, Lavender Graduation, Asian Graduation, FLI Graduation, Latinx Graduation, and Black Graduation.

Lavender refers to the LGBTQ community, while FLI refers to people who are first in the family to graduate college from either first-generation or low-income families.

There seems to be something missing, however.

White students obviously must assimilate into one of these groups, or participate in the university-wide ceremony. Otherwise, Cancel Culture would have a meltdown if someone suggested white students may want to practice their own diversity inclusion.

Critics opened fire.

Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton, for instance, called the lineup to reflect the “endpoint of critical race theory: segregation.”

“The problem is not just one ‘woke’ university embracing discrimination. Critical race theory is being pushed on our kids at school, it’s peddled by HR departments at corporations, and the Biden administration has embraced it under the guise of ‘racial equity,’” Cotton added.

As journalist Jeryl Bier tweeted, “What in tarnation? So now ‘multicultural’ actually means the exact opposite? What is ‘multi’ about these graduation ceremonies?”

Columbia answered with tweets on Tuesday:

“Reports today and previous tweets misrepresent our multicultural graduation celebrations, which exist in addition to, not instead of, University-wide commencement and individual school Class Days.”

“These events are important, intimate, and welcoming spaces for students aligned with these groups to come together to celebrate their achievements if they wish. They are organized in tandem with students and student groups. In most instances, these celebrations evolved from ceremonies originally created by students and alumni.”

As Orwell noted in a different writing, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

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