It’s Time For A Little ‘Trading Places’

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It’s Time For A Little ‘Trading Places’

An English teacher at a preppy, hoity-toity New Jersey private school where the tuition runs more than $50,000 a year, recently quit her job.

As was reported by a few outlets this week, Dana Stangel-Plowe was fed up with the Dwight-Englewood School imposing Critical Race Theory on faculty and students.

In short, Stangel-Plowe argued in her letter, pushing CRT is stunting students’ both morally and intellectually.

As a result of CRT, Stangel-Plowe wrote in her resignation letter, “students arrive in my classroom accepting this theory as fact: People born with less melanin in their skin are oppressors, and people born with more melanin in their skin are oppressed. Men are oppressors, women are oppressed, and so on.”

“In my classroom, I see up close how this orthodoxy hinders students’ ability to read, write, and think,” she added.

“I teach students who recoil from a poem because it was written by a man. I teach students who approach texts in search of the oppressor. I teach students who see inequities in texts that have nothing to do with power. Students have internalized the message that this is the way we read and think about the world, and as a result, they fixate on power and group identity. This fixation has stunted their ability to observe and engage with the full fabric of human experience in our literature.”

“I believe that D-E is failing our students. Over the past few years, the school has embraced an ideology that is damaging to our students’ intellectual and emotional growth and destroying any chance at creating a true community among our diverse population. I reject the hostile culture of conformity and fear that has taken hold of our school,” Stangel-Plowe wrote.

It’s all well and good that Stangel-Plowe stood up – even if it’s likely too little too late for D-E students.

Yet what was interesting – and very telling as wokeism worms its way into our entire existence – was the perspective of the headmaster – if we can still use that term.

Srangel-Plowe maintained that on at least two occasions Head of School Rodney De Jarnett told the faculty that “he would fire us all if he could so that he could replace us all with people of color.”

The tell, for those scoring at home, is that De Jarnett would replace “us.”

De Jarnett is white.

And as is so often seen as everyday people worry about whether Cancel Culture is coming for them next, he does not mention, nor likely even think about, giving up his own very lucrative job for a minority administrator.

If De Jarnett was a true believer in all that CRT teaches about “systemic racism,” “oppression” of black Americans, and our nation’s lack of “equity,” one might think that as a devout liberal he might put himself at the head of the firing squad.

That, however, is never going to happen.  

In recent weeks, none of America’s corporate behemoths has been more woke than Woke-a-Cola Chairman and CEO James Quincey.

Quincey, after all, pilots the company that recently demanded that the outside legal firms it hires shovel at least 15 percent of its business to black lawyers.

Quincey makes $17.6 million a year.

Did anyone hear him offer to step down and surrender his job to a new black CEO? No. Coke just demanded others do that.

The much is true across Corporate America.

These pasty-white CEOs talk up the promotion of minorities, shower truckloads of money on “diversity, equity and inclusion” consultants and nauseatingly lecture the rest of America to be more like them.

Yet they keep their jobs, and all the financial, cultural and social perks.

It’s time for a thought experiment, “Trading Places” style.

“Trading Places” was 1983 comedy in which a pair of brothers, Randolph and Mortimer Duke, who own a well-heeled investment firm in Philadelphia make a bet on a social science experiment.

They purposefully ruin their stellar commodities broker, played by Dan Akroyd, who is snooty, effete and white, and replace him with Eddie Murphy, a black, street-savvy but uneducated hustler and jailbird.

The crux of the bet was to see if they could reverse the roles and fortunes of their subjects. And it works.

Akroyd winds up homeless and a gun-toting thief, and Murphy adapts to high-end suits, limousines, and making the firm big money.

Yet after the bet ends, the brothers plot to get Akroyd back, despite Murphy’s prowess in the job. Why? Because he’s black.

Quincey and other liberal white CEOs should try a similar experiment.

Give up their jobs to blacks.

And not those with MBAs or law degrees from the Ivy League, or established figures who’ve already made their mark and millions.

They should go to the homeless shelters, dead-end workplaces, junkie alleys, and jails – places they seem to believe black Americans exist not by personal choices but because they have been railroaded by “systemic racism” and left without hope or opportunity – and hand over their seven- and eight-figure jobs.

Ridiculous? Ludicrous? Outrageous? Perhaps.

Going to happen? Never. The elites far prefer to playing puppet-master with ideas they’ll never live by, and siccing the peons on each other. 

The De Jarnetts and Quinceys of the world lack the guts to put themselves on the tip of the CRT sword, even though it’s past time for woke liberals to put their money – as well as their careers, stock options and elite social standing – where their mouths are.

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