Investment Expert Konstantin Kuznetsov to Launch Company at Intersection of Innovation and Traditional Business for U.S.

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Investment Expert Konstantin Kuznetsov to Launch Company at Intersection of Innovation and Traditional Business for U.S.

Investment Expert Konstantin Kuznetsov

Konstantin is an independent financial expert, inventor, and entrepreneur in the field of information and financial technology.

MIAMI, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, December 3, 2022 / — Konstantin has extensive experience in solving business problems related to assessing the potential of venture capital investments in innovative technological areas. He is also an expert in risk management and the creation of innovative approaches by combining state-of-the-art technologies from different fields. He focuses on such areas as information technology, information security, and financial modeling based on neural networks.

Konstantin gained his experience and competencies while working as an independent guest consultant on high-tech projects related to investment strategies and risk-management data-based models. He also obtained valuable knowledge and expertise while working as a venture partner at the Tenzor.Capital digital asset fund.

As part of his personal business practice, Konstantin provided consulting services to help attract private financing to various business sectors. Konstantin’s responsibilities included creating investment-worthy models for business projects. This was achieved by applying innovations and technologies to traditional processes, finding and implementing marketing solutions, and creating operational management structures for investment projects.

Konstantin is currently working on launching a company that will focus on developing an intelligent ecosystem of applications to provide smart analytics of the US financial markets and new early-stage technology trends.

It’s worth noting that according to Konstantin, the approach to developing the app architecture will take into account modern requirements and standards with the possibility of its further adaptation to working with quantum computers. It will also ensure cybernetic protection of the information that controls access to subscriptions to the results of smart analytics.

The company is planning to develop two independent business directions. The first direction will focus on implementing predictive smart analytics based on the data from the U.S. financial markets over their entire lifespan. It will include building predictive online models that will allow users to make high-accuracy portfolio management decisions. In the second direction, Konstantin is setting out to solve the problem of the early-stage evaluation of innovative projects on the basis of data analysis.

According to Konstantin, there is currently a conflict of interest between the smart-analytics providers and users. It stems from the fact that providers are often affiliated with brokerage and other financial corporations that make money regardless of the quality and results of the analytics. In addition, such analytical systems are often heavily affected by the human factor. This problem is completely eliminated in data-driven models.

Konstantin has recently registered an integrative patent in the field of information security. He has also published several books in Germany and Canada on the application of various scientific approaches – such as the theory of inventive problem solving – in tackling business problems at the intersection of innovation and traditional technology. This approach provides people with the possibility of further developing patent and licensing strategies, which has attracted the attention of specialists and experts in related fields.

The approach has also allowed Konstantin to gain new connections and secure support from experts around the world before launching a new business in the United States.

Additionally, in connection with his work as a venture partner at Tenzor.Capital digital assets fund, Konstantin is planning to apply his experience to the implementation of a project to create a web3 bank of digital assets and promote it in the international market. He believes that this kind of project should take root in the U.S. to leverage all the opportunities the market offers. Currently, a working group is being built to collect data and analyze the market as well as the existing technologies to implement a project of this type. If you want to learn more about the project or join one of the working teams, visit Konstantin’s LinkedIn page.

Kuznetsov Konstantin
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