International Alliance of Wound Care Scholarship Foundation® & Healiant™️ to award hundreds of Wound Care Scholarships.

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International Alliance of Wound Care Scholarship Foundation® & Healiant™️ to award hundreds of Wound Care Scholarships.

The International Alliance of Wound Care Scholarship Foundation® & Healiant Training Solutions™ partner to bring hundreds of wound care scholarships to the Nurse Community.

Healiant Training Solutions™ and IAWCSF® partner to make 100+ scholarships available to clinicians who desire to become wound care trained and certified.

This is the first ever initiative of this scale, where a foundation, a training provider and the manufacturing community came together to do something truly impactful for the industry.”

— Kathy Carlson

TAMPA, FL, UNITED STATES, December 21, 2021 / — Healiant Training Solutions™ and the International Alliance of Wound Care Scholarship Foundation® (IAWCSF®) come together to make scholarships available to passionate clinicians who desire to become wound care trained and certified. Healiant Training Solutions™ will match up to 100 scholarships that will be donated by sponsors from the wound care product community to be awarded to deserving healthcare providers.

Traditionally, there have been unnecessary barriers in the way of clinicians who wish to elevate their wound care knowledge and become board certified. The partnership between International Alliance of Wound Care Scholarship Foundation® (IAWCSF®) and Healiant Training Solutions™ was formed to overcome those obstacles by empowering licensed healthcare providers through training and accredited clinical certifications.

For the first time, wound care product companies will have the ability to support this extraordinary community of care providers by donating scholarships to the IAWCSF® so that eligible clinicians may take advantage of best-in-class wound care education and certification at no expense. Through this program, the IAWCSF® will receive and award two scholarships for every one that is donated by a sponsoring wound care product partner.

“ Up to two hundred licensed healthcare providers from all over the country, all walks of life, all nurse types will have the opportunity to be wound care trained and board certified at no cost,” explains Josh Heuchan of Healiant Training Solutions. “Top notch wound care training has historically been out of reach, financially speaking, for individuals who are passionate about wound care, but have not had the discretionary funds to pay expensive training fees. It will also benefit the wound care product companies, as they will get to honor the nurses on the front line with a very generous gift of knowledge, training, and education. Ultimately, it will benefit the patient, as a more clinically capable caregiver will deliver better care at the bedside.”

The International Alliance of Wound Care Scholarship Foundation® was created to support the community across the wound healing continuum by supporting advanced training and certification thereby increasing opportunities to health care professionals who are looking to serve this population. One hundred percent (100%) of IAWCSF’s time is dedicated to advancing healthcare clinicians in wound care. “We appreciate the opportunity to partner with Healiant and the wound care product community to provide financial aid in the form of scholarships to these well-deserving individuals,” said Angela Weathersby, Ph.D., Executive Director.

“This is an unprecedented opportunity for clinicians to gain access to training leading to certifications without the barrier of cost,” said Kathy Carlson of Healiant. “This is the first ever initiative of this or any scale, where a foundation, a training provider and the manufacturing community came together to do something truly impactful for the industry. By joining together, we can deliver meaningful outcomes to the wound care community and patients for years to come.”

About The International Alliance of Wound Care Scholarship Foundation®
The mission of the International Alliance of Wound Care Scholarship Foundation® (IAWCSF®) is simple, our goals are established, and our intent is transparent. The International Alliance of Wound Care Scholarship Foundation was established to provide support for those clinicians who want to advance their knowledge in wound care by enhancing their education and obtaining certification. This organization will work to enhance the Wound Care Certification credential of the National Alliance of Wound Care and Ostomy. The International Alliance of Wound Care Scholarship Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit corporation operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code.

About Healiant Training Solutions
Healiant Training Solutions is passionate about empowering the extraordinary clinician through our next level training experience. We have combined decades of wound care experience with the most cutting-edge education advancements to create a truly immersive and engaging experience for our students (that’s you). When you enjoy the training experience, you will retain more and ultimately deliver better care at the bedside and heal wounds faster! Our experts believe that it’s not what you know, it’s what you can remember and/or reference when you need it most that matters.

Kathy Carlson
Healiant Training Solutions
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