In With the Green, Out With the Bronze– Here Come Some New Wallstreet Icons: Money Mike & the Gang™ Hit the Bullseye

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In With the Green, Out With the Bronze– Here Come Some New Wallstreet Icons: Money Mike & the Gang™ Hit the Bullseye

Money Is Easy – Tithe, Save, Invest, Give and Stay out of Debt to Prosper God’s Way– by Charles & Angela Todd

Money Mike & The Gang™ dogpile the Bull with MONEY IS EASY, the first of an illustrated rhyming book series revealing secrets to success for kids and families.

It is safe to say to be born in the US is to inherit trillions of dollars of debt. It’s time to liquidate such ingrained ideologies.”

— Angela Todd

DESTIN, FLORIDA, USA, May 5, 2022 / — "What in the world, Child? Money doesn't grow on trees." Sound familiar? If this response was proclaimed when asking for 'things' as a kid, then parents may have had a membership to the silly myths and old wives' tales club. This type of parental guidance has provided a misconception that money, in general, is difficult, or in some way impossible, or out of reach. It is safe to say to be born in the US is to inherit trillions of dollars of debt. It’s time to liquidate such ingrained ideologies. Therefore, meet Money Mike & The Gang™, Money Mike, Giving Grace, Saving Sam, and the bad guy Loan Shark who fight the good fight of faith by planting seeds early in childhood development, so kids learn how to be the lender and not the borrower to become a blessing to their children's children, for generations to follow.

Publisher Todd WorldWide releases Money Is Easy, Tithe, Save, Invest, Give, and Stay out of Debt to Prosper God's Way. The first of a four-book series that is a colorful and engaging children's faith-based illustrated rhyming book that debuts Money Mike, a super cool animated money tree branching out with the message, "Money is as easy as counting one, two, three!" Money Mike interacts with a young boy and girl, revealing hidden messages in his money leaves that have unique lessons about how to tithe, save, invest, and give. He explains three easy steps to make money grow like the leaves on his tree and involves the kids to do what he teaches. Added features include a glossary of terms and scripture references to engage families in becoming familiar with financial vocabulary and scriptures that back up money prospering principles.

About the Authors:

The need for wholesome characters to engage children to learn, specifically concerning finances, is the driving force behind best-selling authors Charles and Angela Todd, the creators of Money Mike & The Gang™. The IP was birthed out of Covid, a testimony they share as it was a 'Word' from the Lord during a dark time of global shutdown. Together, they taught ten-week Biblical financial courses and were awe-struck at their students' breakthroughs, prompting parents to ask if they could bring their children into class to learn supernatural financial increase principles. Charles states, "All I kept hearing at the beginning from our students was that money was so hard; this is why I named the book Money Is Easy. Once we implemented the simple steps in our later adult living, we started to prosper more and more and were livid that we didn't have this knowledge as kids!" Angela adds, "Adding a supernatural Biblical base to basic natural principles that govern market increase opens the door for the inheritance to flow." The Todds firmly believe it is not the responsibility of children to take care of their parents, but for the parents to leave an inheritance for their children's children for generations to follow.

In 2006, the Todds founded Todd WorldWide Ministries, a 501c3 that helps others succeed spiritually, physically, and financially. They co-host "The Abundant Life" show, distributed on The Weather Channel's, Local Now, under Christian Life TV channel 514, and YouTube, where they share their journey from bankruptcy to prospering, divorce (from each other) to remarriage, and how they did it God's way. The Todds have traveled the world to guest speak and assist others to receive signs, miracles, and wonders in their finances, health, marriages, and life.

So cut the bull. Dump the silly old broke club and join the cool kids club with Money Mike & The Gang™ and make it a goal that by the time kids become teenagers, they can pay for a trade school OR start an enterprise, becoming a blessing and leaving an inheritance for their children's children.

You can purchase the new hardcover, softcover, and ebook on Amazon. To learn more about guest speaking and licensing opportunities, reach out to the contact info below.

#1 New Release Children’s Money Books / Kids / Non-Fiction / Learning Basic Concepts

Angela Todd
Money Mike Group
+1 949-677-0502
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