Ignorance is Bliss, Gov. Tony Evers & Joe Biden Weighing in on Police Actions, Fanning Flames – LEO Round Table

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Ignorance is Bliss, Gov. Tony Evers & Joe Biden Weighing in on Police Actions, Fanning Flames – LEO Round Table

August 28, 2020


WILMINGTON, DE. – Discussed today Assembly Bill 1022 by Pasadena (California) Assemblyman Chris Holden, which would have made an officer an accessory to the crime if that officer did not stop a wrongful use of force incident. We also discuss the Lafayette (Louisiana) police shooting of knife-in-hand suspect Trayford Pellerin, sparking yet another wave of protesting.

We also discuss Democratic Gov. Tony Evers and presidential candidate Joe Biden condemning the shooting of Jacob Blake, which is now blowing gasoline into the fire of Wisconsin’s civil unrest.

PLEASE NOTE: The video below contains images and scenes that can be disturbing to some viewers, language alert as well.


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