Huge ‘Back The Blue’ Rally in Tampa Today *VIDEO*


Huge ‘Back The Blue’ Rally in Tampa Today *VIDEO*

June 13, 2020

By: Staff Report

TAMPA – The Back The Blue rally on W. Tampa Blvd in Tampa, had a huge turnout from supporters.

“We are here to show support to our law enforcement officers and appreciation for what they do to serve and protect our communities everyday,” said Thomas Levy from Tampa.

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Drivers passing by, beeped their horns in support of the rally today and flags were everywhere.

Penny Thompson from Temple Terrace said, “I had to be here. I saw this rally on Facebook and love what our police do for us and put their lives on the line all of the time.”
A Flag Raising Video from the Blue Lives Matter in Support of Law Enforcement

Organizer, Kristen Krutz, created both a Facebook events page and an eventbrite ticketing page.

Krutz says on Facebook, “Come show your support for Law Enforcement Officers! We have 1 agenda, that is: That our men and women in Blue, and their families, hear and see that they ARE appreciated, and we stand united with the millions of LEOs who love and serve so well.”

We will be posting a photo gallery of today’s rally and will update this story with a link to that shortly.

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