Home Wellness Interior Design Partners With Marie Diamond  To Provide Feng Shui and Dowsing Services

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Home Wellness Interior Design Partners With Marie Diamond To Provide Feng Shui and Dowsing Services

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Feng Shui designed open living room and kitchen concept in light grey tones and neutral colors.

Designing Your Home With Wellness In Mind

New Online Interior Design Company Designing Spaces With Health And Wellness In Mind

We are excited to offer our Home Wellness Interior Design services with Marie Diamond's Feng Shui and Dowsing services.”

— Haleh Aleman

PALM BEACH, FL, UNITED STATES, March 2, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Luxury interior designer Haleh Aleman, the founder of Home Wellness Interior Design, LLC (HWID), is excited to announce the partnership with Marie Diamond, one of the world's top transformational leaders, speakers, bestselling authors, and a renowned voice on the Law Of Attraction and Feng Shui.

Aleman recently launched HWID To create jobs opportunities for designers to work from home while contributing to a new affordable interior design brand.Through this new brand, clients can access holistic interior design services that partner with eco-conscious sustainable vendors so that they can achieve a home that fosters health, happiness, and a feeling of sanctuary. Along with these interior design services provided by her team of designers will now offer Diamond Feng Shui© and Diamond Dowsing© services to further bring healing into the home and office.

Marie Diamond is a powerful name within the world of spiritual teaching and international speaking as she has assisted thousands of celebrities, best-selling authors, and CEOs through the teachings of Feng Shui to transform their lives. Her bestselling book “Transform Your Life” allows clients to discover how to activate Feng Shui within their private homes and maximize success within all areas of their life. Diamond bases her work around the law of attraction and manifestation to banish negative energy and create a more abundant successful life. The practice of Diamond Feng Shui© gives clients the opportunity to tap into evoking the best energy within the four main principal areas of life: success, relationships, health, and wisdom.

The Diamond Feng Shui© service offered by Diamond’s team allows clients to establish harmony between their home and the environment to promote a well-balanced beautiful space. This is achieved through assisting clients with the selection of colors that benefit their health and wellness, the placement of sustainable furniture, the selection of artwork that is specific to each room, and the placement of plants to create a zen flow of energy as well as auspicious directions. Interior designers work with clients’ floor plans, date of birth and room measurements to establish where the best energy flow is.

The Diamond Dowsing© service by Diamond’s team is the practice of shifting the energy in the home by detecting unseen earth energies which are present and cause disruption. Often these negative vibes can be a result of “geopathic stress” which is vibrated from the earth demonstrating why a dowsing healing of the home is essential.

Diamond’s team will work on shifting any weak energy levels of a home or office so by finding and curing negative vibrations discovered. This practice can open channels to allow the Law of Attraction to work. This service can aid with an increase in focus, productivity, enhanced moods, restful sleep, romance, increased money flow and improved healing levels. Dowsing has also been proven to assist in alleviating tantrums in small children and pets, as well as many challenges.

After many years of working directly with Marie Diamond, it was a natural progression to create a business partnership. The powerful services of these two companies are sure to help you transform your space and life to be in your sanctuary.

For more information, visit https://homewellnessinteriordesign.com/


p class=”contact” dir=”auto” style=”margin: 1em 0″>Nazanine Pineda
+1 209-587-4776
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