Hogfish Recreational Season Closes Nov. 1 in Keys/East Florida State Waters

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Hogfish Recreational Season Closes Nov. 1 in Keys/East Florida State Waters

Hogfish recreational harvest will close in state and federal waters off the east coast of Florida and Florida Keys Nov. 1. This closure includes all state waters south of Cape Sable, which is on the Gulf side of Florida, and up the Atlantic coast. The Keys/east Florida hogfish season runs from May 1 through Oct. 31.

Recreational harvest remains open in state and federal waters north of Cape Sable in the Gulf. 


Gulf State Waters

Minimum Size Limit: 14″ fork length

Daily Bag Limit: 5 per harvester

Season: Open year-round

Atlantic State Waters

(includes all state and federal waters south of Cape Sable, including the Florida Keys)

Minimum Size Limit: 16″ fork length

Daily Bag Limit: 1 per harvester

Season: Open May 1-Oct. 31

Special regulations apply for this species when fishing in Biscayne National Park.

In the Atlantic reef fish fishery, gear rules require dehooking tools, and as of Jan. 1, 2021, non-stainless steel hooks in all state waters, and non-offset circle hooks N. of 28 ° N. latitude.

Other Regulations

Hog fish map

Gear Requirements:

Federal waters:

Gulf federal waters north of Cape Sable: Open year-round, 14-inch minimum size limit, 5-fish/person recreational bag limit. 

Atlantic federal waters: Open May 1-Oct. 31 annually. 16-inch minimum size limit, 1-fish/person recreational bag limit.

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