Helping Tips on Find Your Soul Mate

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Helping Tips on Find Your Soul Mate

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Still waiting for the right one? Let's help you find them quickly!

MIAMI, FLORIDA, USA, July 29, 2021 / — If you got a dollar for every time your relationship ended and people told you “don’t worry, there’s someone out there, who is your soul mate and is perfect for you” — you did be a millionaire by now! Technically not millionaires — but at least you will have money to do a little shopping in your favorite grocery store.

Truth be told, we all want to find the ‘right one’ aka SOUL MATE. We all want to find someone that completes, understands, shares a deep connection with us, and loves all our imperfections. We all want to have that eureka moment where we meet a person and say “oh, I think I have found the right one" — but, with more than 7 billion people on earth, how do you find that special someone?

Now, the way we see it, you have two options: you can sit back, relax and have fate bring the right one to you (which might probably take forever, because fate is doing the same for other people on the planet). Or you could be proactive and do things that help you find your soul mate faster. Going for the second option means you have to be willing to put in the time, effort, and hard work needed to find the LOML — which is definitely worth it!
So, to help you find the right one when you need to find the right one, we came up with a guide you can use. Follow the tips below to find your soul mate in no time.

— Be Yourself
Can you remember the last time you had to pretend or let go of your true authentic self just because you wanted to get the person you thought was the right one? Did it work out well for you? Obviously no! The whole point of finding a soul mate is getting someone that loves you for you — like someone that loves every side of you, including that odd laughter you have.

So, if you want to find your soul mate, we suggest you stop pretending and start living your truth. You have to be you at all times. You have to love yourself and all those little imperfections that you think you have — because that is what makes you different from others! If you are not proud of every part of you, or you don’t love yourself then you can’t find the right one. Be your original self, and your soul mate will connect to you!

— Be Open-Minded
We all have a strict vision of what we want our soul mate to be like — and guess what? Chances are they won’t come in the boxes we have assigned them. In fact, things you didn’t think would actually work for you end up being the best things that happen to you! Your soul mate is someone that admires all the imperfections you are afraid of, and if you keep looking for them in the wrong body or wrong profession, you might end up missing them.

Be open-minded to try other options. A healthy relationship is a combination of friendship, physical attraction, love, and sex. If you can get all of these in one person, then you are good to go.

— Be Content With Your Single hood
Being desperate won’t bring your soul mate to you! If anything, you will end up kissing a lot of frogs that when the right one your way, you are already too bummed out to accept them.

Being single is not the time to run around looking for a relationship. It is the time to sit back and figure yourself out. It is the time to actively invest in all areas of your life. And this can manifest in good self-care routines, healthy living (work out and healthy eating), and generally learning more about your personalities and interests. This way, you know more things about yourself and the kind of person that fits your personality.

— Take It Slow
Finding your soul mate is not as easy as ordering your favorite food from a restaurant. It entails much more, and that is why you have to take things slow. Don’t be in a rush to get into a relationship! It might take a while but when the timing is right, things will fall in perfect places for you.
Just be positive and patient. Instead of rushing things, use this time to work on your abilities and know what you want in a partner. And, if you feel like this LOML search is draining you, it’s okay to take a step back and relax. Your soul mate will come at the right time, mostly when you are not actively looking for one. So, relax and enjoy the ride.

— Don’t Settle For Less
A soul mate is your epic lover! This means that you can’t force this kind of connection or feeling on any random person you meet or match with on Tinder. Don't go into a relationship with someone that does not match your highest form. Keep looking, and never settle for manageable or less!

— Trust Your Guts
Well, you might have heard this advice somewhere, and we are here to tell you again — trust your guts! Your guts or your instincts will tell you if you have found the right one or if you should continue looking. Once you meet the right one, you will know. You might not have an explanation as to why you want them, but deep inside your heart, you know you have met the right one.

If your guts tell you they are not the one — they are probably not the one.

— Develop Healthy Relationship Habits
Now that you have finally met the right one, it is time to put in more hard work and effort to maintain that relationship. Make sure there is an active and open communication line where you both can talk and connect. Always listen to them, schedule dates, make time for them, express gratitude — most importantly — always forgive and apologize when necessary. You must not necessarily share everything in common, but you must be willing to understand and invest in their needs.

Relationships are all about sacrifice, and if you cannot do that, then that union is bound to fail — even if the relationship is with your soul mate.

Tina Andreeva
+1 212-470-6688
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