U.S. Rep. Kat Cammack told a North Central Florida crowd opposed to vaccine mandates that her office is working to block such plans, including seeking to strip federal funding from local governments that implement them.
Cammack, a Gainesville Republican, appeared alongside Gov. Ron DeSantis and other state officials and first-responders at an event in Archer, Florida, to protest a vaccine mandate announced by the city of Gainesville.
DeSantis attacked the mandates by the city and the Biden administration as anti-science, arguing that advocates for them fail to account for natural immunity built up in those who have recovered from COVID-19. He also criticized President Joe Biden specifically for a naked, authoritarian impulse.
“These mandates are overreaches, and they can be very destructive for a lot of really, really good people,” said DeSantis. “The president doesn’t just get to boss people around.”
Cammack echoed the Republican governor’s comments and promised to work federal action to stop mandates such as that imposed by Gainesville, whose leaders have threatened to fire those who reject the jab. On Monday, state Attorney General Ashley Moody noted that more than 200 city workers have sued the city over the mandate.
“Some small-minded people, with even smaller hearts, want to tear us apart,” Cammack said of those who denounce people who decline the vaccines. “They want to tell us that we are not good enough to serve the very community that we have laid so much on the line for.”
“I say hell no,” she added.
“I’ve absolutely had enough,” said Cammack. “This isn’t anti-vaccine. We stand here today as anti-mandate.”
She noted how Biden has flip-flopped on the issue, to the point of now demanding the U.S. Department of Labor draft rules that would force at least 80 million American workers to get the shots or face losing their livelihoods.
“I don’t know where in the Constitution the government’s power over one’s personal health decisions can be found. Maybe that’s because there is no such power,” Cammack continued. “The government has zero authority to mandate a vaccine for you.”
Cammck then discussed a three-point plan to try to block “tyrannical” and “abusive” government initiatives to force vaccines into arms.
First, Cammack she would use her power to block federal funding to any local government that infringes on a person’s individual medical choices.
Secondly, Cammack said would file a bill to “dismantle” the authority provided to the Labor Department or any other federal agency that seeks to enforce Biden’s “unconstitutional” order.
Finally, Cammack added that her office was also working to tighten federal medical privacy laws. “Your medical records are your business – not the government’s, and damn sure not some city commissioner’s.”
“If you don’t want the vaccine, because that is a discussion between you and your doctor, then we are going to fight for your right to make your own decisions,” she said.
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As always, politicians only tell the part of a story that supports what they want you to believe. NO ONE is suggesting a mandate forcing all to take the vaccine against their will. It has been made clear that if you don’t want to take the vaccine you don’t have to. You just have to take regular testing to ensure you are not a carrier. It may be a pain to do but there is no imposing one to inject something into their body they don’t want. There is nothing against a person’s individual rights here and are long standing Supreme Court rulings to support this, Jacobson vs. Massachusetts for example. Why do you think these Republican politicians and certain conservative news outlets refuse to acknowledge this? My guess is it’s all pandering to the base. Keep people outraged and willing to vote for a party that no longer has ideas to salve problems. Does the idea of these mandates annoy you? If so, it could be that you’re being played for your vote or sponsor driven viewership.