Health and Psychiatry Launches First-Ever Drive-in Mental Health Clinic


Health and Psychiatry Launches First-Ever Drive-in Mental Health Clinic

April 9, 2020 TAMPA, Fla.

​Health and Psychiatry , announced the expansion of their Florida-based practice to include drive-in telepsychiatry at their Tampa Bay headquarters.  “Wide-spread isolation, caring for sick loved ones, even an unexpected job loss can trigger overwhelming anxiety and depression in the wake of COVID-19,” reports Health and Psychiatry’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Dinar Sajan. But because of growing contagion concerns, many mental health care practitioners have stepped up patient screening, which can significantly escalate a patient’s anxiety and panic. Dr. Sajan knew their practice had to remain accessible during the COVID-19 crisis. As a leading provider of telepsychiatry, Health and Psychiatry has added drive-in tele-clinic services to their schedule.

drsajan 1
Dinar Sajan, MD
Photo by: Health and Psychiatry

When a patient calls in, intake staff determines who can best derive benefit from Health and Psychiatry’s tele-clinic sessions.  “There are many reasons a patient may be a candidate for drive-in telepsychiatry,” says practice CEO Usman Ezad. “They may be self-isolating after virus exposure and don’t want to talk within earshot of a loved one. Health issues or physical challenges may put them at higher risk if exposed to COVID-19. Some simply don’t have easy access to interactive technology.” The new drive-in tele-clinic allows patients to receive crucial mental health care from the comfort and protection of their own car.

Arriving at their scheduled tele-clinic appointment time, patients power down their car window and connect through Health and Psychiatry’s Telepsychiatry system (patent pending). A member of Dr. Sajan’s psychiatry team then conducts the session virtually.  Should the condition warrant, a medical prescription can be electronically dispatched to a convenient pharmacy. All insurance and payments are handled over the phone to eliminate outside exposure to COVID-19. 

While the drive-in tele-clinic is new, Health and Psychiatry has long been successfully delivering remote telepsychiatry throughout Florida at the practice’s satellite offices. “Unfortunately, with the current shortage of mental health care practitioners, many are left without easy access to mental health care,” says Ezad. “Equipping Health and Psychiatry’s remote offices with the telepsychiatry system has provided a viable alternative to traditional in-person care. We are pleased to begin delivering those same telepsychiatry services to socially-restricted patients during the coronavirus outbreak via our drive-in tele-clinic.” For those suffering from anxiety and depression brought on by COVID-19, or any other psychological issues, Health and Psychiatry’s contact information can be found at

About Health & Psychiatry: Health & Psychiatry provides compassionate behavioral health care services offering patients a deep sense of hope, health, and harmony. Under the direction of Chief Medical Officer Dinar Sajan, MD, Health & Psychiatry employs a holistic patient care approach using innovative treatments and technologies.  Health & Psychiatry offers same-day, late evening and emergency appointments, as well as telepsychiatry, to better meet patient needs.


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