Healiant Training Launches Wound Care Boot Camp Program to Make Wound Care Training and Education Accessible to Everyone

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Healiant Training Launches Wound Care Boot Camp Program to Make Wound Care Training and Education Accessible to Everyone

Wound Care Boot Camp by Healiant Training Solutions

Introducing the perfect onramp for those seeking to increase their competencies in wound care. A training program designed to meet you exactly where you are.

We developed Wound Care Boot Camp to provide high quality training for all caregivers looking to take their next step. If you are interested in wound care, this is a great place to start.”

— Josh Heuchan

TAMPA, FL, UNITED STATES, July 16, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — Healiant Training Solutions announces the perfect onramp for anyone seeking to increase their knowledge and competencies in wound care. Whether you are brand new to Wound Care or someone whose been treating wounds for 20 years, the program meets you where you are. Wound Care Boot Camp includes high quality training on basic and advanced topics for individuals and organizations looking to improve their wound care knowledge, and in turn, patient outcomes.

High quality wound care education and training can be very expensive, especially the kind of training that leads to accredited clinical credentials and CEs/CMEs. It’s hard to know where to start if you aren’t actively participating in a wound care program. Until now, there has never been a program that meets caregivers and organizations where they are, with the flexibility of starting each person at the appropriate level.

"We developed Wound Care Boot Camp to provide a no cost, high quality, on-demand on-ramp for all caregivers and organizations who want to take their next step in becoming a ‘wound hero. Whether you are a patient, lay caregiver, nurse, therapist, NP or physician…if you are interested in wound care, this is a great place to start” Says Josh Heuchan, Founder and Managing Director, Healiant Training Solutions.

Wound Care Boot Camp is designed to meet organizations and their clinicians and/or staff where they are currently in their wound care competency. Whether they are brand new to wound care or seasoned veterans, the distinct levels of programs are a perfect way for caregivers to take their next step in clinical wound care. “Healiant has quickly become the preferred source for CE/CME based wound care training and education for clinical organizations who want modern, updated, engaging, high quality programs that lead to accredited clinical credentials, with flexible terms at an affordable price, and the Boot Camp does just that.” explains Heuchan.

Ryan Dirks, Chief Executive Officer at United Wound Healing, explains that, “the burden of chronic disease care in the United States continues to grow at a rapid rate, and the result is more and more individuals suffering from chronic wounds. Today’s healthcare champions need the up-to-date evidenced based training and advanced competencies to ensure their patients receive the highest levels of care.”

Available at woundhero.com/wound-care-boot-camp, organizations and their staff can learn from the industry’s top subject matter experts as they highlight the most important concepts in Wound Care. Designed for caregivers who are exploring wound certification and are interested in investing without the heavy upfront cost, this program (and 2 CEs/CMEs) is conveniently available on-demand.


About Healiant Training Solutions
Healiant Training Solutions is passionate about empowering the extraordinary clinician through our next level training experience. We’ve combined decades of wound care experience with the most cutting edge education advancements to create a truly immersive and engaging experience for our students (that’s you). When you enjoy the training experience, you’ll retain more and ultimately deliver better care at the bed-side and heal wounds faster! Our experts believe that it’s not what you know, it’s what you can remember and/or reference when you need it most that matters. www.healianttraining.com

Kathy Carlson
+1 813-291-3561
email us here


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