Sen. Rick Scott

Good-Government Group Honors Sen. Scott’s Office For Outstanding Constituent Service

The Florida Republican noted this week that his office was recognized with an award for outstanding constituent service.

Floridians should feel good that at least one of their politicians is responsive.

U.S. Sen. Rick Scott.

The Florida Republican noted this week that his office was recognized with an award for outstanding constituent service.

That honor came courtesy of the Congressional Management Foundation, a group that works directly with lawmakers to improve their interactions with constituents and to make them more effective public servants.

According to a press release from Scott’s office, the group gave the GOP senator its Democracy Award for superlative constituent services, which recognizes non-legislative achievement and outstanding practices and performance in responding to constituent requests and inquiries.

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In its analysis of Scott’s operations, the CMF spelled out how Scott’s team earned the award.

Last year, it reported, Scott’s office had more than 1.8 million “interactions” with constituents about legislative issues, more than 131,400 of which were by phone. Scott’s case workers also processed more than 14,000 inquiries, including 3,695 cases with federal agencies.

“Even with this large volume, caseworkers addressed 90 percent of all new messages relating to casework with a federal agency within 48 hours,” the CMF noted.

Additionally, “to effectively communicate with Florida’s diverse population, for the past several years, Senator Scott has studied Spanish and now is proficient to conduct media interviews in Spanish. Similarly, 22 percent of Sen. Scott’s office is bilingual.”

In a statement, CMF President Bradford Fitch said, “As a Democracy Award winner, Sen. Scott’s office is clearly one of the best in Congress. This designation demonstrates that Sen. Scott has made a significant commitment to being the best public servant for his constituents in Florida.”

“Sen. Scott and his staff are to be congratulated for not only being a model for his colleagues in Congress, but for helping to restore trust and faith that our democratic institutions can work.”

For his part, Scott said, “My team and I work every day with one mission in mind: to make Washington work for Florida families. That’s the promise I ran on, and today’s recognition by the Congressional Management Foundation is proof that our amazing team, which operates across 10 offices in the state and in D.C., are getting good work done for the people of Florida.”

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“Florida is a unique state with a variety of cultures, languages, communities, and needs, and our Constituent Services team goes above and beyond to connect Floridians with the services and resources they need from their federal government, keeping them informed and fighting to make taxpayers’ government work in their best interests,” he added.

“Our first three years have been filled with challenges – from dealing with a global pandemic to navigating a record inflation and supply chain crisis – but through it all, our team has been on the frontlines of our communities to help Floridians and make sure their needs are met.”

“Representing hardworking Florida families,” Scott added, “is the greatest job in the world. We love what we do, and we are going to keep fighting every day to make a difference.”

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