Fani Willis (File)

Fulton County DA Fani Willis Defies Georgia Senate Subpoena Amid Misconduct Investigation

Fani Willis (File)
Fani Willis (File)

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis declined to comply with a subpoena issued by a Georgia state senate committee investigating alleged misconduct, choosing instead to attend the Congressional Black Caucus’ annual legislative conference in Washington, D.C.

The Georgia Senate Special Committee on Investigations had expected Willis to provide “sworn testimony,” but Republican Sen. Bill Cowsert announced at the hearing that she would not be appearing.

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In a LinkedIn post, Willis expressed her excitement about attending the conference, saying, “I’m truly honored to be invited to join a panel discussion alongside Harris County Attorney Christian D. Menefee and Dr. Frederick Haynes, III.”

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Willis plans to challenge the subpoena in court, asserting that the committee lacks the authority to compel her testimony. “I don’t even think they have the authority to subpoena me,” Willis said in May. “I will not appear to anything that is unlawful, and I have not broken the law in any way.”

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Sen. Cowsert told Fox News that the committee is confident in its authority to issue subpoenas and expects the matter to be resolved in court. “She’ll be required to attend, and she’ll be required to produce certain requested documents,” Cowsert said.

Willis is also facing scrutiny over her racketeering case against former President Donald Trump, with allegations of impropriety related to her appointment of special prosecutor Nathan Wade, with whom she was in a relationship. A judge allowed her to remain on the case but noted “a significant appearance of impropriety.”

The case is currently on hold pending an appeal, and Willis’ office has not yet commented on the subpoena.

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