Fraser Allport, a Fiduciary, releases his Special Report : Why work with a Fiduciary ?
DAYTONA BEACH SHORES, FL, UNITED STATES, December 11, 2022 / — Fiduciary is derived from the Latin word ” Fiduciarius ” in the 1630s.
The word means “holding something in trust,” from Latin fiduciarius “entrusted, held in trust,” from fiducia “trust, confidence, reliance;” in Law, “a deposit, pledge, security,” from root of fidere “to trust”. In Roman law, fiducia was “a right transferred in trust. “
In short, a Fiduciary is someone that you trust.
Someone who is entrusted – Legally and Ethically – to serve your Best Interests.
An Investor wants to work with a Fiduciary because it’s your Money at stake.
Fiduciaries are held to the highest legal and ethical standards.
Brokers are not Fiduciaries.
They are not held to the same standards as a Fiduciary.
Please see this article about Fiduciaries vs. Brokers :
Fraser Allport has been in business for 40 Years.
He will be here when you need him.
Trust your Retirement to a seasoned Professional.
Work with a Fiduciary who is also an Independent.
Don’t settle for less.
Schedule your Complimentary Consultation with Fraser Allport, a Fiduciary and Certified Estate Planner ™ at :
Because of his 40 Years of Knowledge and Experience … Fraser Allport is “ The Total Advisor™ ”, a Fiduciary and DROP Specialist.
As a Fiduciary, Fraser focuses on Safety of Principal and Guaranteed Income for his Clients. Retirement is all about Income : Getting monthly checks.
Remember the two Golden Rules of Investing:
1) Don’t Go It Alone. Seek out Professional help.
2) It’s Never Too Early to Plan for Retirement.
Fraser Allport can make learning about your Money easy and interesting because a true Fiduciary is a Teacher, Tutor, Mentor, Coach, and Shepherd.
Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Fraser at :
It is never too early to plan for your Retirement.
Your pre-retirement financial decisions will be with you for the rest of your Life, literally.
Because of his 40 Years of Knowledge and Experience … Fraser Allport is “ The Total Advisor™ ”, a Fiduciary and FRS DROP Specialist.
For 40 years, Fraser has helped Law Enforcement, Firefighters, Teachers and FRS DROP Members plan for their Retirement. He can help you too.
All of Fraser’s prior FRS DROP articles are archived at :
Fraser is a Certified Estate Planner ™
See Fraser’s Estate Planning services at :
Fraser’s Biography, Services, and Credentials are at :
Watch Fraser’s videos on his YouTube Channel :
Follow Money and Markets at :
With 40 Years of Knowledge in Financial Services, Fraser Allport can help you with all your FRS DROP, Deferred Compensation and 403b Plans, Income Taxes, Medicare, Social Security, and Estate Planning questions.
Client references are available to speak with upon request.
Be A Good Steward of Your Money.
Call Fraser, a Financial Professional with 40 Years of Experience.
You call a Professional for every other project in Your Life, right ?
Please see Fraser’s invitation for a Complimentary Consultation to help you start your Exit Plan to Retirement.
Schedule your Complimentary Consultation with Fraser Allport at :
Starting any Project is the hard part, but Fraser can help shepherd you with a Plan of Action.
Just schedule your Complimentary Consultation with Fraser, or call him in Florida at 386.882.6256.
Fraser can work in all 50 States.
Knowledgeable in every aspect of Financial Services, Fraser is the Total Advisor ™.
An Experienced and Independent Fiduciary for all your financial needs.
Fraser can help you with an ACTION PLAN below for Retirement :
Fraser can help you with the very first steps that you must take to exit your DROP.
Fraser can help you meet the dates and deadlines for filing your DROP Exit forms.
Fraser can help you determine what forms are needed, and help you complete them.
Fraser can help you with choices for wisely investing your DROP Rollover money.
Fraser can help you optimize your un-used DROP Sick Days and Vacation Days.
Fraser can help you maximize your Social Security benefits for you and also for your Spouse. Note: Social Security decisions are irrevocable after 12 months.
Fraser can help you with your Health Insurance, Medicare, Medicare Supplements, Home and Long Term Care choices. Most LTC occurs in your Home.
Fraser can help you coordinate your Retirement Plans with your Spouse’s Retirement Plans. You and your Spouse want to be in synch about Retirement.
Fraser can help you reduce your Income Taxes in Retirement. Don’t over-pay your Income Taxes. What a waste of Money. Pay the correct amount of Taxes.
Fraser can help you with your Estate and Legacy Planning. Fraser is a Certified Estate Planner™. Leave A Legacy, not A Mess.
Fraser can help you Get Your House In Order with Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, A Living Will, Health Care Directives, Final Expenses, etc.
Fraser can help you with a Home Health Care Plan, customized for you. Act now, while your health still qualifies. Home Care is the future of Long Term Care.
These are Big Decisions for You … with really Big Consequences.
As You Retire, You are about to make some of the most important financial decisions of Your entire Life :
Social Security
Estate Planning
What to do with Your DROP Lump Sum, IRAs, 403b and Deferred Compensation accounts ?
Be Smart with Your Money, because it’s Your Nest Egg.
Your Retirement is at stake here. These are Lifetime decisions.
It is Too Late in Life to Lose Money.
Invest wisely, and with a Fiduciary.
Prepare for Retirement … and prepare for Longevity.
Retirement is all about Safety of Principal and Guaranteed Income. Be safe and sleep well.9
Because of his Knowledge and Experience for 40 Years …
Fraser Allport is … ” The Total Advisor™ “
Schedule your Complimentary Consultation with Fraser Allport, a Fiduciary and Certified Estate Planner ™ at :
The Total Advisor, LLC is an Independent Retirement, Social Security, Medicare, Income Tax, and Estate Planning Firm owned by Fraser Allport. Investment Advisory Services are offered through Coppell Advisory Solutions, LLC, dba Fusion Capital Management, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor, transacting business in States where it is registered or excluded from registration.
SEC registration does not constitute an endorsement by the SEC, and does not speak to Advisor’s skill or ability. All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss
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