Larry Hogan

Former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan Announces Senate Run

Larry Hogan
Larry Hogan

Former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, one of the few prominent Republican critics of former President Donald Trump, will run for the United States Senate in his home state.

Hogan announced his plans in a video posted on social media Friday, just hours before the race’s filing deadline.

Hogan cited his father’s decision as a Republican congressman to support the impeachment of then-Republican President Richard Nixon, lamenting a lack of “leadership” and a “willingness to put country over party.” And he used his experience as governor to make his case to voters in a blue state where he has had electoral success.

“My fellow Marylanders, you know me. For eight years we proved that the toxic politics that divide our nation need not divide our state,” Hogan said.

“One party alone can’t fix it,” he continued. “We desperately need leaders willing to stand up to both parties, leaders who appreciate that not one of us have all the answers or all the power.”

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Hogan’s Run for U.S. Senate

Hogan’s decision to run for the U.S. Senate comes as a surprise to many, considering his previous reluctance to pursue federal office. The former governor’s announcement video emphasizes his commitment to fixing the nation’s broken politics and fighting for Maryland. Hogan aims to bridge the partisan divide and bring practical solutions to the Senate.

The Maryland Senate race is of great significance to Republicans, who are eager to gain control of the Senate from Democrats. Hogan’s candidacy provides the GOP with a prominent figure who can run a competitive campaign in a state that hasn’t had a Republican senator in 37 years. His moderate stance and ability to appeal to a broad range of voters make him a strong contender.

Key Issues and Stances

Hogan’s tenure as governor of Maryland highlighted several key issues he prioritized. As a fiscal conservative, he focused on reducing tolls and taxes, appealing to voters who felt burdened by excessive government spending. His emphasis on pocketbook issues resonated with Marylanders across party lines.

In addition to fiscal concerns, Hogan also faced significant challenges during his governorship. The unrest in Baltimore following the death of Freddie Gray in police custody tested his leadership skills. Hogan’s decision to deploy the National Guard to restore order demonstrated his commitment to maintaining peace and stability.

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Hogan’s stance on social issues such as abortion and LGBTQ rights has been more moderate. While he has not been an outspoken advocate for progressive causes, he has also not actively pursued conservative social policies. This pragmatic approach has contributed to his broad appeal among Maryland voters.

Implications for the GOP

Larry Hogan’s Senate campaign holds significant implications for the Republican Party. With Democrats holding a slim majority in the Senate, Republicans are eager to gain seats in the 2024 elections. Hogan’s candidacy provides a unique opportunity for the GOP to compete in a traditionally Democratic state.

Hogan’s popularity and bipartisan appeal make him a formidable opponent for any Democratic candidate. His track record as governor, coupled with his reputation for pragmatic leadership, positions him as a strong contender in the Senate race. If successful, Hogan’s election would not only shift the balance of power in the Senate but also signal a potential shift in Maryland’s political landscape.

Democratic Contenders

The Maryland Senate race has already attracted several Democratic contenders. U.S. Rep. David Trone and Angela Alsobrooks, the county executive of Prince George’s County, have announced their candidacies. Trone, a wealthy businessman, has already invested millions of his own money into his campaign.

The competition among Democratic candidates underscores the importance of the Maryland Senate seat. Hogan’s entry into the race adds another layer of complexity, as his bipartisan appeal could attract voters from both parties. Democrats will need to carefully strategize their campaigns to counter Hogan’s popularity and track record as governor.

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Hogan’s Presidential Aspirations

Larry Hogan’s decision to run for the U.S. Senate marks a departure from his previous considerations of a presidential bid. In 2022, Hogan announced that he would not challenge former President Donald Trump for the GOP’s White House nomination. Instead, he endorsed former United Nations ambassador and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.

Hogan’s decision to focus on the Senate race indicates his commitment to serving the people of Maryland and addressing the nation’s challenges on a more local level. While his presidential aspirations may have been put on hold, his Senate campaign

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