Former CIA Officer: Mark Napier Explains Why He is Seeking Office In Florida District 23 (formerly District 22)

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Former CIA Officer: Mark Napier Explains Why He is Seeking Office In Florida District 23 (formerly District 22)

Photo of Candidate by Monckton Photography

Shows Candidate with a Purple background signifying Independent

Independent Candidate for District 23

Mark Napier for Congress 2022 with Slogan inside an arrow diagram that says "It takes only 'ONE' to be a Force Multiplier!" The arrow points to ONE being Optimistic, Neighborly, and Experienced.  Below the arrow it says Unbought, Unbiased and Unfiltered

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CIA Wrongful Termination for Whistleblowing Doesn't Stop Candidate Once Discarded and Forgotten from Continued Service to Country

I want to follow in the footsteps of Shirley Chisolm, who in 1972, became the first Black woman to become a U.S. Congresswoman fighting for the Dreamers as my purpose in life”

— Mark Napier

FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, June 6, 2022 / — Mark Napier is a self-described 'real' Independent candidate who is seeking office for the U.S. House of Representatives for Florida’s District #23 (formerly District 22, per Florida Senate Bill 2-C) for this fall's General Election. Napier acknowledges he is running a low-income campaign and has his sights set high, but believes he is the best choice to be the voice of the 'Dreamers' who are often the ‘Discarded and Forgotten,’ in addition to the Middle Class. Napier boasts using “IN-KIND” services to meet Federal Elections Commission's $5,000 threshold required to run for office.

Napier’s careers in the Intelligence community [Central Intelligence Agency] and the U.S. Army, in addition to his life changing experiences from being homeless on the streets for 5 years laid the foundation to run for office. It is these real-world experiences Napier believes gives him an edge over the other candidates. Napier was a CIA Whistleblower who reported a child pornography incident that had been mismanaged at an overseas CIA Station in Iraq 2005, noting…"Personal vendettas and retaliations at the CIA were so arcane by management that former CIA Director John Brennan took actions to hold management accountable in 2015." See

According to Napier…”I understand best what hard economic times are like, particularly during inflationary times. People do not just lose a home; they lose hope too. The people need someone who is proactive and not reactive to a crisis using perseverance and fortitude to keep standing. Most importantly the people need someone who speaks from the heart and not their butt. The people need someone who does not have an ego needing to be fed, nor to line their pockets from Special Interest Groups, Lobbyists or dark money. The people need someone looking out genuinely for their best interests. That is why I am the best choice for the people. I bring a lot to the table. ”

Napier continues…"I have a lot of war stories, career and life changing events that led me down a path that was least expected, if not destiny." Napier remembers most from the war comforting of a 14-year-old boy at Bagram hospital in Afghanistan who had three limbs blown off from un-exploded ordinance, in addition to the solemn moments [23 times] joining 14,500 personnel at Bagram Airbase rendering "the Silent Salute" to fallen Heroes’ flag draped coffins gave him an appreciation for the things we take for granted in life. Napier experienced first-hand incoming mortars, rockets and even an IED attempt that was thwarted. Napier notes too, his many engagements with leadership from opposition forces in Afghanistan would be useful during future U.S. talks with Afghan elements.

Napier also has an impressive professional background from Counterterrorism Operations, Federal Law Enforcement Training, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare, Contingency Operations and Exercises, in addition to Export Controls for Non-Proliferation are just a few highlights of his training and experiences from the CIA and Army. Napier served as the Deputy Chief of [a CIA] Base at Bagram Airbase and conducted Counterterrorism Operations along the Afghan/Pak border that were the last highlights of Napier’s career. Most notable was his coordination with the U.S. Secret Service of former President George Bush’s surprise visit to Afghanistan for the troops.

Nonetheless, Napier reports he was successful in his career disrupting terrorist plots in both the U.S. and in Afghanistan that saved soldiers’ lives. Additionally, Napier recalls his participation in disrupting a terrorist cell in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia in the late-90s the week before former President Bill Clinton’s visit marking ‘Earth Day’ Napier touts his years of experience at the joint bases of Fort Dix-McGuire, New Jersey was key in developing a national level exercise in 2005 that exposed how terrorists could infiltrate the bases to conduct mass shootings using pizza deliveries to gain access to the bases. In 2006, a plot was discovered that identified a terrorist cell attempting to use a pizza delivery service to carry out their proposed attack. See

Because Napier knows the 'mechanics' of the Intelligence Community and the Armed Forces he insists that "I am that guy you also want on 'the wall' protecting your civil liberties against misdirected attempts to collect information directed at Americans." The Department of Justice's own website reports… "With the lowering of 'the wall' between the Intelligence Community and Law Enforcement investigations …. [DOJ] has seen a steady increase in the number of requests to use information from FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978) authorized activities in prosecutions."

If elected, Napier contends that he will build a solid foundation with the Visionaries [business leaders] that continues to create and promote consistent economic prosperity throughout District #23 and south Florida’s various industries, goods, and services for the Dreamers [middle and low income] in mind; regardless of ethnicity or orientation using a “Hands-Up” not a “Hand-Out” approach in restoring self-worth, self-esteem, and dignity that welcome them ‘back into the fold’ as vital contributors to society. This includes advocating to:

–Promote and Legislate LGBTQ+ Rights
–Curb the Soaring Rate of Annual Increases on Rent, HOA and Condo
fees, plus Expedite More Affordable Housing
–Promote a Hand-Up Approach for Lower Income Class and Foster
Care Children, plus fight for the Middle Class who carry this Nation
–Work with Business Leaders of SOFLO to Promote Year-Round Stable
Economic Prosperity and Higher Paying Jobs
–Improve Healthcare Access & Convenience for Veterans, Dreamers,
LGBTQ+ and At-Home Care for the Elderly
–Promote Judicial Reform, Fund Law Enforcement and Training
–Protect Civil Rights and Liberties against FISA Abuses by the
Intelligence Community and Law Enforcement (DOJ)

In essence…"I want to follow in the footsteps of Shirley Chisolm, who in 1972, became the first Black woman to become a U.S. Congresswoman fighting for the Dreamers as my purpose in life….That is why I am running for office…I just hope the people will be open to having a ‘real’ Independent representing the people and not part of the population.”

For additional articles by Mark Napier visit his Newsroom: and Website:

Mark Napier
Mark Napier for Congress 2022 Committee
+1 954-609-7189
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