Spring has sprung in Florida, and with it comes the nesting season for many of the state’s shorebirds, seabirds, and wading birds. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is reminding residents and visitors to be mindful of these vulnerable birds and their nests while enjoying Florida’s beautiful beaches and shorelines.
Many shorebird and seabird species nest directly on the sand, where their eggs and chicks are expertly camouflaged.
Wading birds, such as herons, often nest in colonies on mangrove islands. Disturbing these birds can cause them to abandon their nests, leaving eggs and chicks exposed to predators and the elements.
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Waterbird-Friendly Tips:
The FWC offers these tips to help protect nesting waterbirds:
- Be informed: Check for Critical Wildlife Area (CWA) closures before heading to the coast. CWAs are designated to protect nesting birds, and entering these areas is prohibited.
- Keep your distance: Stay at least 300 feet away from nesting birds and walk around them, not directly over their nests.
- Leave pets at home: Dogs can frighten birds and cause them to abandon their nests. If you must bring your dog, choose a dog-friendly beach and keep your pet leashed and away from birds.
- Stash your trash: Dispose of all trash properly to avoid attracting predators that prey on eggs and chicks. Also, properly dispose of fishing line, as it can entangle and harm birds and other wildlife.
Additional Information:
- Waterbird breeding seasons vary by species and location. You can find official shorebird breeding seasons and contact information at MyFWC.com/Shorebirds.
- To find a monofilament recycling station near you, visit mrrp.myfwc.com.
By following these simple guidelines, you can help ensure the nesting success of Florida’s waterbirds and contribute to the conservation of these important species.
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