Florida U.S. Rep. Cammack: COVID Relief Bill is ‘Typical, Left-Liberal-BS’


Florida U.S. Rep. Cammack: COVID Relief Bill is ‘Typical, Left-Liberal-BS’

U.S. Rep. Kat Cammack denounced President Joe Biden’s alleged COVID-19 “relief” measure, the $1.9-trillion American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, as “typical, left-liberal B.S.”

In an interview with Breitbart News on Friday, the Florida Republican argued that the Biden administration was looking to pass a political payoff rather than providing real relief to economically strapped Americans.

“Less than nine percent of this entire gross package [goes] to actual COVID relief,” Cammack told Breitbart’s, Alex Marlow.

“This is just typical, left-liberal B.S., honestly,” Cammack said.

“This is a COVID relief package that they are claiming is going to address support for small businesses and workers and families and individuals. No. This is the ultimate Biden bailout,” she continued.

“If they were really serious about delivering COVID relief, they would start with the more than one trillion dollars we still have unspent from previous COVID packages.”

That comment is supported by a recent analysis by the libertarian Cato Institute. According to Cato, the federal government has spent “only” $3 trillion of the $4.1 trillion appropriated for coronavirus relief since the pandemic started.

Other analyses for the right – by groups like the Heritage Foundation, The Wall Street Journal, and Forbes – underscore what Cammack was referring to.

For example, the civic volunteer agencies AmeriCorps, AmeriCorps Vista, and the National Senior Service Corps would get $852 million, including $9 million for inspector general audits, after they received $1.1 billion in 2020.

 The National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities would each get $135 million, while the Institute of Museum and Library Services would receive $200 million. We’ll spend $10 million for Native American language preservation.

Planned Parenthood and related groups would receive $50 million for “family planning” services, including abortions.

The plan includes $1.5 billion for Amtrak, which got $1 billion in the CARES Act last year, and which lost $392 million in the three years before the pandemic.

There is $86 billion to rescue badly managed private pension plans, many of which are run by unions.

K-12 education would get $128.5 billion, paid out until 2028.

Another $570 million has been set aside to cover paid leave for federal employees who take care of COVID-stricken family members. Those workers can take up to 600 hours of fully funded leave – or 15 weeks – before Sept. 30.

There’s even $1.5 million earmarked for bridge to connect New York to Canada.

Cammack told Breitbart, “If they were serious about COVID relief, they would have more than nine percent of this $1.9 trillion bill going to COVID relief, but now, less than nine percent of this entire gross package go to actual COVID relief. … This is a bailout for the blue states.”

She maintained the much of the benefit – $350 billion – goes to mismanaged lock-down, mask-up places like California and New York that cannot demonstrate how their stifling, misguided policies worked better than freer, more open places like Florida.

“This is the ultimate pork-filled, government-gone-wild spending bill, and Americans should be outraged,” Cammack added.

“Nancy Pelosi and her cronies over there on the left changed the funding formula,” Cammack explained. “The states that will receive this $350 billion are actually the states that have the highest unemployment — so, the states that did everything wrong, like California or New York. It actually punishes states like Florida, even though we’re the third-most-populous state in the union, and South Dakota where (Gov.) Kristi Noem kept her state open.”

Meanwhile, Breitbart’s account of the interview did not mention if Cammck touched on the minimum wage hike to $15, which many economists believe will actually cost less skilled, less educated, and younger workers their jobs.

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