Spotted Sea Trout Season

Florida Spotted Seatrout Western Panhandle Zone Closes Feb. 1

Recreational harvest of spotted seatrout closes Feb. 1 in the Western Panhandle management zone (Escambia County through the portions of Gulf County west of 85 degrees, 13.76 minutes west longitude but NOT including Indian Pass or Indian Lagoon). Spotted seatrout harvest will reopen in the western panhandle region March 1, 2021.

Currently, spotted seatrout, redfish and snook are catch-and-release through May 31, 2021, in waters from the Hernando/Pasco county line south through Gordon Pass in Collier County.

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Commissioners will review the current catch-and-release measures for southwest Florida at their February meeting. 

Learn more about spotted seatrout by visiting and clicking on “Recreational Regulations” and “Spotted Seatrout.”


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