Florida Sen. Scott Hits Biden, Dems for ‘Lies’ About Plan To Raise Taxes


Florida Sen. Scott Hits Biden, Dems for ‘Lies’ About Plan To Raise Taxes

In an op-ed earlier this week, Florida Republican Se. Rick Scott trashed Biden for breaking his promise to not raise taxes on people making less than $400,000 a year.

Biden, Scott wrote, “Sold the American people a lie. It’s a lie he told over and over during his campaign. During a May 2020 interview with CNBC, then-candidate Joe Biden said, ‘Nobody making under $400,000 bucks would have their taxes raised. Period. Bingo.’ Biden has repeated this claim countless times on debate stages and in interviews. He promised middle-class Americans he wouldn’t raise their taxes.”

“It was all a lie. Welcome to your very own ‘if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,’ moment, Mr. President.”

Scott then recounted how Democrats killed his proposal to shield gig workers from Biden’s tax hike.

As The Free press readers may recall, that happened last month with the adoption of the American Rescue Plan Act. The law requires contractors who work for companies like Uber, Lyft, and Doordash to file 1099 forms with the IRS, and whereas gig workers previously had to report their income at $20,000 or more and 200-plus transactions, the Biden plan kicks that in next year at $600 and eliminates the transaction threshold.

“The Democrat Party that once claimed to stand for working Americans is dead,” said Scott.

Then, he warned, “get ready: here come the big tax increases.”

Scott argued Biden’s alleged “infrastructure” plan – of which only 6 percent is devoted to things like roads and bridges – requires $2 trillion in new taxes to pay for it. Meanwhile, the administration is talking about raising gas taxes.

That’s in addition to ideas for a 25 percent boost in the corporate tax rate, and increasing the upper personal income tax ceiling from 37 percent to 39.6 percent.

“Democrats have always chosen this same lazy approach. Instead of making tough choices to cut spending and create efficiencies, they raise taxes. It never works,” Scott argued.

“As someone who has actually signed a paycheck, let me be very clear, tax hikes on businesses hurt workers. There is no imaginary line between the two,” Scott continued.

“Tax increases don’t create jobs. Tax increases don’t provide sustainable government revenue. Tax increases don’t solve problems. I know this because we didn’t need a single tax increase to turn Florida’s economy around following the Great Recession,” he added.

Scott then noted that as governor of Florida, he enacted almost 100 tax cuts and slashed nearly 5,400 regulations to promote economic growth.

“The result? Over the course of my eight-year administration, Florida’s economy boomed and businesses created more than 1.7 million new private-sector jobs – each helping a hardworking family live their dreams in my state,” he wrote.

“The policies we’ve seen from Democrats over the past three months remind me of a famous quip from the great American poet Maya Angelou, ‘When people show you who they are, believe them,’” Scott concluded.

“The Democrats’ tax and spend agenda is real. Believe it. The Democrats lied when they said they wouldn’t raise your taxes. Believe it. The Democrat Party that once claimed to stand for working Americans is dead. Believe it.”

Scott’s op-ed first appeared in the Florida Times-Union.

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