Florida Farming

Florida Rep. Kat Cammack Warns Against Overregulation: America Must Learn from Europe’s Farming Protests

Florida Farming
Florida Farming

As farmers across Europe rise up in protest against stringent environmental regulations and escalating costs, U.S. Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) is urging American lawmakers to take heed. In an op-ed published Thursday, Cammack draws attention to the growing unrest among European farmers, who are challenging the European Union’s (EU) “Green New Deal” style policies, which they say are crippling their ability to produce food and threatening their livelihoods.

Cammack highlights the widespread discontent among farmers in countries like France, Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands, where tractor barricades and other acts of civil disobedience have become common sights.

The EU’s nature restoration law, which mandates that 20% of land and sea areas be restored by 2030, is a key point of contention. Farmers argue that the requirement to leave 4% of farmland fallow is impractical and counterproductive, particularly when food prices are soaring.

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“Farmers and ranchers are the world’s original conservationists,” Cammack writes, emphasizing that those who work the land are best equipped to protect it without interference from “unelected, big-government bureaucrats.”

Drawing parallels to the situation in the United States, Cammack warns that the Biden administration’s policies are putting American farmers on a similarly precarious path. From the shutdown of the Keystone XL pipeline to restrictive regulations like the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule, Cammack argues that the administration’s actions have placed undue burdens on farmers, exacerbating challenges like high input costs, supply chain disruptions, and labor shortages.

“Make no mistake, the impact of these policies aren’t just hitting producers, they’re hitting the wallets of every American consumer,” Cammack notes, citing rising grocery prices as a direct consequence of the administration’s approach.

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Cammack calls on Congress to recognize the critical role that farmers play in ensuring national food security and to reject policies that undermine the agricultural industry. “Food security is national security,” she asserts, urging lawmakers to support rather than demonize the farmers who “feed, fuel, and clothe our nation.”

As Europe grapples with the fallout from its environmental policies, Cammack’s message to U.S. lawmakers is clear: learn from the mistakes of others and prioritize the needs of America’s farmers before it’s too late.

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