Early on Wednesday Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her House Democrats couldn’t bully Vice President Mike Pence to do their dirty work for them by invoking th 25th Amendment.
So they resorted to Plan B to get rid of President Donald Trump: impeachment.
And Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz was having none of it.
The Panhandle Republican passionately denounced Pelosi’s push to dump Trump in a House floor speech during the impeachment debate.
He did so in part by reminding Democrats of their own words, such as Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley calling for “unrest” in the streets during last year’s protests of George Floyd’s death, and Rep. Maxine Waters of California demanding people “get in the face” of Trump administration officials.
“I denounce political violence from all ends of the political spectrum, but make no mistake; the left in America has incited far more political violence than the right,” Gaetz thundered.
“For months, our cities burned, police stations burned, our businesses were shattered, and they said nothing, or they cheerlead for it, and they fund-raised for it, and they allowed it to happen in the greatest country in the world.”
“Now some have cited the metaphor that the president lit the flame, well they lit actual flames, actual fires!” conclude Gaetz, as Democrats’ grumbles gave way to boos and demands for order from the chairwoman.
At another point in the discussion, Gaetz said, “Before the last presidential impeachment, President Trump rightly pointed out the improper activities of the Biden crime family, and subsequently, he’s been proven right. And don’t think for a moment, Madam Speaker, that we’re going to drop that or stop our pursuit of the truth,” Gaetz said.
Gaetz had shown earlier this week that he was ready to defend Trump, whom he said would leave office but not public life, and slam Democrats for their partisan play.
In a recent interview with Fox News, Gaetz said conservatives “need to stand together and fight against a radical left-wing agenda that it appears that Joe Biden intends to usher in with unified control over the government, with the House and the Senate.”
He also called Trump “the most powerful, the most influential Republican on the planet Earth.”
Gaetz added, “It’s my expectation that while he’ll be leaving the White House in several days when his term is lawfully complete, he will continue to weigh in on matters that are important to the tens of millions of Americans who voted for him, who believe that this election process that we went through in 2020 still deserves more scrutiny and who expect that there will still be a constituency of people fighting for the America First agenda.”
“This impeachment would be unnecessary, it would be divisive, and it’s only being done because Democrats want to keep the focus on President Trump,” Gaetz continued.
“You would think that with just nine to 10 days left in the Trump presidency for this term, you would have Democrats eager to focus on what Joe Biden would be bringing to the country, his exciting picks for the cabinet. But you see they have to continue to hold together a very fragile coalition by maintaining the focus on President Trump.”