Florida Rep. Byron Donalds Says Black Americans Suffer Under Biden’s Open Border


Florida Rep. Byron Donalds Says Black Americans Suffer Under Biden’s Open Border

Congressman Byron Donalds of Florida (File)
Congressman Byron Donalds of Florida (File)

Florida Rep. Byron Donalds joined Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla and lambasted the Biden administration’s open order policy and the effect on Black Americans.

“It’s a real problem. It is slipping. And the reason why is because their policies, especially with respect to illegal immigration, is hurting a lot of Black people in urban areas. You know, when kids get kicked out of a school because it’s too cold outside,” said Donalds.

“Well, you know whose kids are getting kicked out of the school in inner city, New York? Black people, Hispanic people. When rec centers are being closed because they need shelters for migrants, who’s getting kicked out of those shelters and a lot of those rec centers? Mostly Black kids, mostly Hispanic kids, poor white kids,” said Donalds.

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“That’s who’s getting kicked out of there,” said Donalds.

The 2020 presidential election saw a surprising shift in voter demographics, with many Black and Hispanic voters supporting Donald Trump.

This trend is expected to continue because of Biden’s open border policy and its consequences for minority communities.

In the 2020 election, Donald Trump made significant inroads with the Black community, winning nearly 20 percent of Black male voters. This support can be attributed to long-standing concerns about FBI investigations and an unjust criminal justice system that disproportionately affects Black Americans. Trump’s willingness to address these issues appealed to many in the Black community.

Another key factor driving the shift in support among minority voters is immigration. While the narrative often focuses on the white working class as Trump’s base, it is minority communities that bear the brunt of President Biden’s open border policies. Hispanics, in particular, have expressed concerns about the impact of unchecked immigration on their communities.

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The arrival of migrants settling in minority communities has far-reaching implications. Struggling schools in these areas are further burdened, as resources are stretched thin to accommodate the influx of new students. Moreover, the competition for already devalued jobs intensifies, creating economic challenges for minority workers. This reality has led many Black and Hispanic voters to question the wisdom of Biden’s open border policy.

Allowing Immediate Voting for Illegal Immigrants

In some municipalities across the United States, illegal immigrants are granted voting rights in local elections. While these are not federal elections, the implications are significant.

Black Americans, who fought for decades to secure their voting rights, view this as a dilution of their power and a potential violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Granting immediate voting rights to illegal immigrants undermines the hard-fought gains made by the Black community.

Protecting the Integrity of the Black American Vote

The Democratic Party often points to the 1965 Voters Right Act as evidence of their commitment to the Black community. However, the potential erosion of voting rights due to open border policies raises concerns among Black Americans.

The disenfranchisement experienced by the Black community historically highlights the need to protect the integrity of their vote. Many Black voters now see the Republican Party as the defender of their rights in this regard.

The Biden administration’s open border policies have inadvertently alienated the very voters the Democratic Party depends on for support.

“Everybody’s seen the MSNBC clip, where they’re trying to compare how people’s money was flowing when Trump was president versus when Biden was president. And what those brothers said in that clip is real. It is being felt all through the country,” said Donalds. “When I talk to people who are, you know on the Democrat side of the aisle, they tell me the same thing. They’re like, man, we’re hemorrhaging Black men. It’s a real problem. And so this is going to continue. But it’s not because of anything except that Joe Biden’s a terrible president. He’s bad at this.”

By prioritizing the needs of newly arrived migrants over the concerns of minority communities, the Democrats risk losing the trust and loyalty of their traditional base. This shift in support could have far-reaching consequences for the party’s future electoral success.

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