Hubert Ramon Santiesteban

Florida Man’s Cocaine Dreams Go Up in Smoke (And A Van Full Of Cash)

Hubert Ramon Santiesteban
Hubert Ramon Santiesteban

It seems Hubert Ramon Santiesteban, a 55-year-old from sunny Sebring, Florida, had big plans for 30 kilograms of cocaine. Unfortunately for him, those plans involved a FaceTime call with undercover cops where he proudly displayed a small fortune in cash. Not exactly subtle, Hubert.

In April 2023, the Highlands County Sheriff’s Office caught wind of Hubert’s scheme and decided to crash the party. They watched as he and his accomplice prepared for the big drug deal, presumably with visions of Scarface grandeur dancing in their heads.

Read: Florida Man’s Attempt To ‘Spice Up’ Neighborhood Watch Lands Him In Monroe County Jail

But when deputies searched Hubert’s property, they found a cool $418,000 stashed in a van. Guess he wasn’t planning on paying with a credit card.

On September 16th, Hubert pleaded guilty to charges related to the conspiracy. Now, he’s facing a potential life sentence in federal prison, courtesy of U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon. And to think, it all started with a FaceTime call…

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Moral of the story: If you’re going to dabble in the cocaine trade, maybe skip the video calls with strangers.

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