Florida Gov. DeSantis Declares State Of Emergency, Piney Point Phosphogypsum Stack


Florida Gov. DeSantis Declares State Of Emergency, Piney Point Phosphogypsum Stack

Saturday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency for Manatee County in response to the Piney Point phosphate leak and possible breach.

DeSantis said, “Due to a possible breach of mixed saltwater from the south reservoir at the Piney Point facility, I have declared a State of Emergency for Manatee County to ensure resources are allocated for necessary response & recovery.”

Manatee County, Florida, public safety officials have ordered a complete evacuation of the Piney Point reservoir site and surrounding areas due to the further collapse of the phosphogypsum stack. 

Residents within a half a mile south of the site were asked to evacuate and residents one mile to the north were also evacuated.

Officials say the stack collapsed further despite repair efforts overnight from crews.

The Florida Highway Patrol also closed US 41 at 113th Street East in Manatee County and College Avenue in Hillsborough County due to concerns regarding the Piney Point Phosphogypsum stack and wastewater overflow.

Motorists are asked to detour through I-75 using College Ave & Moccasin Wallow Road.

Officials will hold a press conference at 2 PM Saturday and we will update this story during and after that press conference.

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